A review on molten salt synthesis of metal oxide nanomaterials: Status, opportunity, and challenge
Molten-salt synthesis (MSS) method becomes an excellent bottom-up synthesis technique of
nanomaterials with various chemical compositions and morphologies because of its …
nanomaterials with various chemical compositions and morphologies because of its …
Optical nanomaterials with focus on rare earth doped oxide: A Review
Optical nanomaterials (ONMs) have attracted significant attention of the global research
community owing to their several superior advantages. Some of the ONMs depict negligible …
community owing to their several superior advantages. Some of the ONMs depict negligible …
Recent advances on metal oxide-based luminescence thermometry
Luminescence thermometry alleviates the difficulties associated with conventional methods
for thermal sensing and provides outstanding opportunities for non-contact thermometry with …
for thermal sensing and provides outstanding opportunities for non-contact thermometry with …
Lanthanide spectroscopy in probing structure-property correlation in multi-site photoluminescent phosphors
Lanthanide luminescence gains significant attention during the last decade or so because of
its unique optical properties. In designing a phosphor material various parameter needs to …
its unique optical properties. In designing a phosphor material various parameter needs to …
Incorporation of Zn 2+ ions into BaTiO 3: Er 3+/Yb 3+ nanophosphor: an effective way to enhance upconversion, defect luminescence and temperature sensing
Ferroelectric BaTiO3 became a multifunctional material via do** of lanthanide ions (0.3
mol% Er3+/3.0 mol% Yb3+) and subsequently upconversion luminescence was enhanced …
mol% Er3+/3.0 mol% Yb3+) and subsequently upconversion luminescence was enhanced …
A review on defect engineered NIR persistent luminescence through transition metal ion (Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni) do**: Wider perspective covering synthesis …
Persistent luminescence is an optical phenomenon where materials continue to emit light
after the cessation of the excitation source which leads to different applications in areas like …
after the cessation of the excitation source which leads to different applications in areas like …
Role of various defects in the photoluminescence characteristics of nanocrystalline Nd 2 Zr 2 O 7: an investigation through spectroscopic and DFT calculations
For the first time, visible photoluminescence could be seen in the blue and green regions in
Nd2Zr2O7 nanocrystals synthesized by gel combustion at 800° C. The nanocrystalline …
Nd2Zr2O7 nanocrystals synthesized by gel combustion at 800° C. The nanocrystalline …
Luminescence Properties of SrZrO3/Tb3+ Perovskite: Host-Dopant Energy-Transfer Dynamics and Local Structure of Tb3+
SrZrO3 perovskite (SZP) was synthesized using gel-combustion route and characterized
systematically using X-ray diffraction and time-resolved photoluminescence techniques. A …
systematically using X-ray diffraction and time-resolved photoluminescence techniques. A …
NaBaLa2 (PO4) 3: a novel host lattice for Sm3+-doped phosphor materials emitting reddish-orange light
A series of reddish orange light-emitting NaBaLa 2 (PO 4) 3: Sm 3+(NBLP: Sm 3+)
phosphors are designed and synthesized in this work for the first time. The crystal structure …
phosphors are designed and synthesized in this work for the first time. The crystal structure …
An Insight into the Various Defects-Induced Emission in MgAl2O4 and Their Tunability with Phase Behavior: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach
The present work describes various defects-induced tunable emission behavior of MgAl2O4
compounds obtained after annealing at different temperatures through a sol–gel combustion …
compounds obtained after annealing at different temperatures through a sol–gel combustion …