Subacromial im**ement syndrome

AK Harrison, EL Flatow - … -Journal of the American Academy of …, 2011 -
Subacromial im**ement syndrome (SIS) represents a spectrum of pathology ranging from
subacromial bursitis to rotator cuff tendinopathy and full‐thickness rotator cuff tears. The …

Acromiohumeral distance measurement in rotator cuff tendinopathy: is there a reliable, clinically applicable method? A systematic review

KM McCreesh, JM Crotty, JS Lewis - British Journal of Sports …, 2015 -
Background Narrowing of the subacromial space has been noted as a common feature of
rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy. It has been implicated in the development of symptoms and …

Differences in acromial morphology of shoulders in patients with degenerative and traumatic supraspinatus tendon tears

M Balke, D Liem, O Greshake, J Hoeher… - Knee Surgery, Sports …, 2016 - Springer
Purpose Distinct characteristics of acromial morphology seem to be one factor for the
development of degenerative supraspinatus tendon tears. Thus, it is questionable whether …

Current concepts of rotator cuff tendinopathy

D Factor, B Dale - International journal of sports physical …, 2014 -
Purpose/Background: Tendinopathies are a broad topic that can be examined from the lab
to their impact upon function. Improved understanding will serve to bring this pathology to …

Relationship between shoulder im**ement syndrome and thoracic posture

DJ Hunter, DA Rivett, S McKeirnan, L Smith… - Physical …, 2020 -
Background Shoulder im**ement syndrome (SIS) is the most common form of shoulder
pain and a persistent musculoskeletal problem. Conservative and invasive treatments …

Relationship of radiographic acromial characteristics and rotator cuff disease: a prospective investigation of clinical, radiographic, and sonographic findings

N Hamid, R Omid, K Yamaguchi, K Steger-May… - Journal of shoulder and …, 2012 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: Many studies have attempted to correlate radiographic acromial
characteristics with rotator cuff tears, but the results have not been conclusive. Therefore, the …

No relationship between the acromiohumeral distance and pain in adults with subacromial pain syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

SW Park, YT Chen, L Thompson, A Kjoenoe… - Scientific reports, 2020 -
To determine whether subacromial space (ie acromiohumeral distance; AHD, and/or
occupation ratio percentage) differs between people with subacromial pain syndrome …

The critical shoulder angle, the acromial index, the glenoid version angle and the acromial angulation are associated with rotator cuff tears

MA İncesoy, Kİ Yıldız, Öİ Türk, Ş Akıncı, E Turgut… - Knee Surgery, Sports …, 2021 - Springer
Purpose To compare the critical shoulder angle (CSA), acromion index (AI), acromion
angulation (AA) and glenoid version angle (GVA) between patients with full-thickness rotator …

What imaging‐detected pathologies are associated with shoulder symptoms and their persistence? A systematic literature review

G Tran, P Cowling, T Smith, J Bury… - Arthritis care & …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Objective Shoulder symptoms are common, and imaging is being increasingly used to help
with management. However, the relationship between imaging and symptoms remains …

Study protocol subacromial im**ement syndrome: the identification of pathophysiologic mechanisms (SISTIM)

PB de Witte, J Nagels, ERA van Arkel… - BMC musculoskeletal …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Background The Subacromial Im**ement Syndrome (SIS) is the most common
diagnosed disorder of the shoulder in primary health care, but its aetiology is unclear …