Digital alcohol marketing and gender: A narrative synthesis
Issues Alcohol marketing on social media platforms is pervasive and effective, reaching
wide audiences and allowing interaction with users. We know little about the gendered …
wide audiences and allowing interaction with users. We know little about the gendered …
Nuorten terveystapatutkimus 2019: Nuorten tupakkatuotteiden ja päihteiden käyttö sekä rahapelaaminen
JM Kinnunen, L Pere, S Raisamo, A Katainen… - 2019 - julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi
Nuorten terveystapatutkimuksessa on seurattu 12–18-vuotiaiden tupakkatuotteiden ja
alkoholin käyttöä ja rahapelaamista joka toinen vuosi. Vuonna 2019 kyselyyn vastasi 3520 …
alkoholin käyttöä ja rahapelaamista joka toinen vuosi. Vuonna 2019 kyselyyn vastasi 3520 …
Social media platforms as complex and contradictory spaces for feminisms: Visibility, opportunity, power, resistance and activism
This special issue on feminisms and social media is published at a unique point in time,
namely when social media platforms are routinely utilised for communication from the …
namely when social media platforms are routinely utilised for communication from the …
Limbic platform capitalism: understanding the contemporary marketing of health-demoting products on social media
The purposive design, production and marketing of legal but health-demoting products that
stimulate habitual consumption and pleasure for maximum profit has been called 'limbic …
stimulate habitual consumption and pleasure for maximum profit has been called 'limbic …
Not without my mobile phone: alcohol binge drinking, gender violence and technology in the Spanish culture of intoxication
N Romo-Avilés, MÁ García-Carpintero… - … Prevention and Policy, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The practice of binge drinking has in recent decades consolidated what is known as the
'culture of intoxication'among the young people of Spain. This has coincided with the …
'culture of intoxication'among the young people of Spain. This has coincided with the …
Alcohol marketing on social media: young people's exposure, engagement and alcohol-related behaviors
T McCreanor, A Moewaka Barnes… - Addiction Research & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Aim Alcohol promotions in conventional channels are associated with subsequent alcohol
consumption in young people, but little is known about young people's exposure to digital …
consumption in young people, but little is known about young people's exposure to digital …
Violencia de género y abuso de alcohol en contextos recreativos
C Ruiz-Repullo, J López-Morales… - 2020 - digibug.ugr.es
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar los cambios que se han producido en la última
década en el consumo intensivo de alcohol y la relación de este consumo con episodios de …
década en el consumo intensivo de alcohol y la relación de este consumo con episodios de …
“Everything is telling you to drink”: Understanding the functional significance of alcogenic environments for young adult drinkers
Background: Dominant approaches to understanding alcohol consumption and preventing
misuse focus on cognitive antecedents of drinking behaviour. However, these approaches …
misuse focus on cognitive antecedents of drinking behaviour. However, these approaches …
Capturing drinking and nightlife behaviours and their social and physical context with a smartphone application–investigation of users' experience and reactivity
Background: Many addictive behaviours are influenced by the context in which they occur,
but methods for simultaneously capturing the characteristics of a behaviour and its context …
but methods for simultaneously capturing the characteristics of a behaviour and its context …
Nuorten terveystapatutkimus 2017: Nuorten tupakkatuotteiden ja päihteiden käyttö sekä rahapelaaminen
Nuorten terveystapatutkimuksessa on seurattu valtakunnallisin kyselyin 12–18-vuotiaiden
nuorten terveystottumuksia vertailukelpoisin menetelmin joka toinen vuosi vuodesta 1977 …
nuorten terveystottumuksia vertailukelpoisin menetelmin joka toinen vuosi vuodesta 1977 …