[HTML][HTML] Plants' physio-biochemical and phyto-hormonal responses to alleviate the adverse effects of drought stress: A comprehensive review
Water, a necessary component of cell protoplasm, plays an essential role in supporting life
on Earth; nevertheless, extreme changes in climatic conditions limit water availability …
on Earth; nevertheless, extreme changes in climatic conditions limit water availability …
Plant hormones and neurotransmitter interactions mediate antioxidant defenses under induced oxidative stress in plants
Due to global climate change, abiotic stresses are affecting plant growth, productivity, and
the quality of cultivated crops. Stressful conditions disrupt physiological activities and …
the quality of cultivated crops. Stressful conditions disrupt physiological activities and …
[HTML][HTML] Function and mechanism of jasmonic acid in plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses
Y Wang, S Mostafa, W Zeng, B ** - International Journal of Molecular …, 2021 - mdpi.com
As sessile organisms, plants must tolerate various environmental stresses. Plant hormones
play vital roles in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Among these hormones …
play vital roles in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Among these hormones …
[HTML][HTML] Role of phytohormones in regulating cold stress tolerance: physiological and molecular approaches for develo** cold-smart crop plants
Global climate variations induce extreme temperatures and significantly decrease crop
production, leading to food insecurity worldwide. Temperature extremes (mainly cold stress …
production, leading to food insecurity worldwide. Temperature extremes (mainly cold stress …
Heavy metals and arsenic stress in food crops: Elucidating antioxidative defense mechanisms in hyperaccumulators for food security, agricultural sustainability, and …
The spread of heavy metal (loid) s at soil-food crop interfaces has become a threat to
sustainable agricultural productivity, food security, and human health. The eco-toxic effects …
sustainable agricultural productivity, food security, and human health. The eco-toxic effects …
[HTML][HTML] Jasmonate signaling pathway modulates plant defense, growth, and their trade-offs
C Li, M Xu, X Cai, Z Han, J Si, D Chen - International Journal of Molecular …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Lipid-derived jasmonates (JAs) play a crucial role in a variety of plant development and
defense mechanisms. In recent years, significant progress has been made toward …
defense mechanisms. In recent years, significant progress has been made toward …
Multidimensional role of silicon to activate resilient plant growth and to mitigate abiotic stress
Sustainable agricultural production is critically antagonistic by fluctuating unfavorable
environmental conditions. The introduction of mineral elements emerged as the most …
environmental conditions. The introduction of mineral elements emerged as the most …
Mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance in plants: Research progress and prospects
J Pan, R Sharif, X Xu, X Chen - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Waterlogging is one of the main abiotic stresses suffered by plants. Inhibition of aerobic
respiration during waterlogging limits energy metabolism and restricts growth and a wide …
respiration during waterlogging limits energy metabolism and restricts growth and a wide …
Jasmonic acid regulates plant development and orchestrates stress response during tough times
Jasmonic acid (JA) or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) are master regulators of plant development
and stress response against pathogens and environmental fluctuations. Thus, JA is an …
and stress response against pathogens and environmental fluctuations. Thus, JA is an …
An overview and recent progress of plant growth regulators (PGRs) in the mitigation of abiotic stresses in fruits: A review
Plant growth regulators are organic chemical compounds that alter or regulate various
physiological processes appreciably in a plant when used in small concentrations. These …
physiological processes appreciably in a plant when used in small concentrations. These …