[KNJIGA][B] Soundtracking Germany: Popular music and national identity

M Schiller - 2018 - books.google.com
This book argues for the importance of popular music in negotiations of national identity, and
Germanness in particular. By discussing diverse musical genres and commercially and …

[KNJIGA][B] Bezugnahmen auf den Nationalsozialismus in der populären Musik: Lesarten zu Laibach, Death In June, Feindflug, Rammstein und Marduk

R Kopanski - 2022 - books.google.com
Bezugnahmen auf den Nationalsozialismus haben in der populären Musik auch jenseits der
extremen Rechten eine lange Geschichte: Bands wie Throbbing Gristle, Joy Division …

Heino, Rammstein and the double-ironic melancholia of Germanness

M Schiller - European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Mass migration and the so-called refugee crisis have put questions of national identifications
high on political and social agendas in Germany and all over Europe, and have ignited …

The politics of rammstein's sound: Decoding a production aesthetic

JP Herbst - Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2021 - online.ucpress.edu
Germany's premier rock music export Rammstein has been controversial since its formation
in 1994. This article analyzes Rammstein's sonic signature from the perspective of the “art of …

„Ich bin Ausländer “: Selbstexotisierung und Alterität bei Rammstein

A Becker - Exotismen in der Kritik, 2023 - brill.com
[A] lthough Rammstein productions emphasize some specific German stereotypes in their
sound, their overall aesthetic is rather international. This carefully crafted fine line between …

Beyond Heimatsehnsucht: Rammstein's Approach to Vergangenheitsbewältigung and German Identity

J Schicker, N Henry - Popular Music and Society, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores how the most recent works of the German Neue Deutsche Härte band
Rammstein express a Vergangenheitsbewältigung that is not limited to the history of the …