Quality protein maize (QPM): Importance, genetics, timeline of different events, breeding strategies and varietal adoption
Lysine and tryptophan are two essential amino acids and these are deficit in maize grain
thus posing the problem of nutritional deficiencies in the consumers. A wide range of …
thus posing the problem of nutritional deficiencies in the consumers. A wide range of …
Use of Wild Progenitor Teosinte in Maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) Improvement: Present Status and Future Prospects
Domestication followed by selective breeding made maize an amazing crop, however, it
leads to the loss of many allelic forms of those traits which were subjected to intensive …
leads to the loss of many allelic forms of those traits which were subjected to intensive …
Quality protein maize for nutritional security
Malnutrition has emerged as one of the most serious health problem worldwide. Deficiency
of essential micronutrients in the diet leads to abnormal growth and development of humans …
of essential micronutrients in the diet leads to abnormal growth and development of humans …
Maize breeding
Maize has emerged as an important crop for food, feed and various applications. Utilization
of hybrid technology has resulted in a quantum jump in grain production worldwide …
of hybrid technology has resulted in a quantum jump in grain production worldwide …
Marker-assisted breeding for enrichment of provitamin A in maize
HS Gupta, F Hossain, V Muthusamy… - Quality breeding in field …, 2019 - Springer
Despite impressive growth in food production that led to increased availability of food grains;
malnutrition continues to hangout as the most important health problem especially in the …
malnutrition continues to hangout as the most important health problem especially in the …
SMART plant breeding from pre-genomic to post-genomic era for develo** climate-resilient cereals
The world is facing unprecedented repercussions of climate change or global warming.
Rising temperature makes glaciers melt, causing flooding and erosion, which undermines …
Rising temperature makes glaciers melt, causing flooding and erosion, which undermines …
A novel quantitative trait loci governs prolificacy in 'Sikkim Primitive' – A unique maize (Zea mays) landrace of North‐Eastern Himalaya
Abstract 'Sikkim Primitive'is a prolific maize landrace with five to nine ears per plant. Though
the landrace was discovered in 1960s, loci governing the prolificacy was not identified …
the landrace was discovered in 1960s, loci governing the prolificacy was not identified …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of minerals, vitamins and functional properties of flours from germinated yellow maize (Zea mays L.) seeds from Daloa (Côte D'Ivoire)
MJ Gnanwa, JB Fagbohoun, KC Ya, SH Blei… - Int J Food Sci Nutr …, 2021 - academia.edu
This study was proposed to assess the effect of germination on minerals, vitamins
composition and some functional properties of sprouted yellow maize grains with a view to …
composition and some functional properties of sprouted yellow maize grains with a view to …
Hydration kinetics of commercial white maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids, and associations with grain intrinsic and wet-milling properties
PM Uriarte-Aceves, PA Sopade - Journal of Cereal Science, 2021 - Elsevier
The hydration kinetics of 26 commercial white maize hybrids/varieties were investigated,
satisfactorily (r> 0.9; P< 0.01) described by the Peleg model and related to the physical …
satisfactorily (r> 0.9; P< 0.01) described by the Peleg model and related to the physical …
Genetic action and potence ratio of maize in an 88 diallel cross growing under saline condition
Twenty-eight hybrids of Zea mays L. produced in 2015-16 from 8× 8 half diallel mating
design were evaluated along with their parents in 2016-2017 under saline condition to find …
design were evaluated along with their parents in 2016-2017 under saline condition to find …