Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review
G Wendin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
During the last ten years, superconducting circuits have passed from being interesting
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
Building logical qubits in a superconducting quantum computing system
The technological world is in the midst of a quantum computing and quantum information
revolution. Since Richard Feynman's famous 'plenty of room at the bottom'lecture (Feynman …
revolution. Since Richard Feynman's famous 'plenty of room at the bottom'lecture (Feynman …
A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial
Synthesizing many-body quantum systems with various ranges of interactions facilitates the
study of quantum chaotic dynamics. Such extended interaction range can be enabled by …
study of quantum chaotic dynamics. Such extended interaction range can be enabled by …
Encoding a magic state with beyond break-even fidelity
To run large-scale algorithms on a quantum computer, error-correcting codes must be able
to perform a fundamental set of operations, called logic gates, while isolating the encoded …
to perform a fundamental set of operations, called logic gates, while isolating the encoded …
Exploiting dynamic quantum circuits in a quantum algorithm with superconducting qubits
To date, quantum computation on real, physical devices has largely been limited to simple,
time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a final projective measurement …
time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a final projective measurement …
To catch and reverse a quantum jump mid-flight
In quantum physics, measurements can fundamentally yield discrete and random results.
Emblematic of this feature is Bohr's 1913 proposal of quantum jumps between two discrete …
Emblematic of this feature is Bohr's 1913 proposal of quantum jumps between two discrete …
Training Schrödinger's cat: Quantum optimal control: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe
It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering
it provides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a …
it provides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a …
Superconducting circuits for quantum information: an outlook
The performance of superconducting qubits has improved by several orders of magnitude in
the past decade. These circuits benefit from the robustness of superconductivity and the …
the past decade. These circuits benefit from the robustness of superconductivity and the …
Quantum memory with millisecond coherence in circuit QED
Significant advances in coherence render superconducting quantum circuits a viable
platform for fault-tolerant quantum computing. To further extend capabilities, highly coherent …
platform for fault-tolerant quantum computing. To further extend capabilities, highly coherent …
Confining the state of light to a quantum manifold by engineered two-photon loss
Physical systems usually exhibit quantum behavior, such as superpositions and
entanglement, only when they are sufficiently decoupled from a lossy environment …
entanglement, only when they are sufficiently decoupled from a lossy environment …