[HTML][HTML] Investigations on performance viability of NiTi, NiTiCu, CuAlNi and CuAlNiMn shape memory alloy/Kapton composite thin film for actuator application
In this work, the thermomechanical behavior of NiTi, NiTiCu, CuAlNi, CuAlNiMn shape
memory alloy (SMA) thin films deposited on Kapton polyimide substrate has been …
memory alloy (SMA) thin films deposited on Kapton polyimide substrate has been …
Parametric Investigation on laser annealing of polyimide on improving the characteristics of NiTi SMA-based bimorph towards the development of microactuators
Laser annealing of polyimide enhances the characteristics such as actuation and substrate-
to-film adhesion of the NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) bimorph. This work investigated the …
to-film adhesion of the NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) bimorph. This work investigated the …
Effect of nitrogen flow ratio on nano-mechanical properties of tantalum nitride thin film
In this research, nanostructured tantalum nitride (TaN) thin films were deposited on 316L
stainless steel substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. The effect of nitrogen flow ratio …
stainless steel substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. The effect of nitrogen flow ratio …
Nonlinear eccentric bending and buckling of laminated cantilever beams actuated by embedded pre-stretched SMA wires
F **, C Zhao, P Xu, J Xue, F **a - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper presents a theoretical approach to analyze the eccentric bending and buckling of
laminated cantilever beams actuated by embedded pre-stretched SMA wires. Two …
laminated cantilever beams actuated by embedded pre-stretched SMA wires. Two …
Exploring the functional capabilities of NiTi shape memory alloy thin films deposited using electron beam evaporation technique
The viability of utilizing electron beam evaporation technique for the development of NiTi
shape memory alloy (SMA) thin films on kapton polyimide (flexible substrate) has been …
shape memory alloy (SMA) thin films on kapton polyimide (flexible substrate) has been …
Influence of pre-strain on attributes of Ni-rich NiTi/Kapton polyimide bimorph for flexible mirrors
Abstract In this work, Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) based flexible mirrors were fabricated
using the E-beam evaporation technique with varying pre-strain on the Kapton polyimide …
using the E-beam evaporation technique with varying pre-strain on the Kapton polyimide …
Micromechanics of substrate-supported thin films
W He, M Han, S Wang, LA Li, X Xue - Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2018 - Springer
The mechanical properties of metallic thin films deposited on a substrate play a crucial role
in the performance of micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) and flexible …
in the performance of micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) and flexible …
[HTML][HTML] A semi-analytical solution for bending response of SMA composite beams considering SMA asymmetric behavior
This paper develops a novel and robust semi-analytical model to investigate the bending
response of an SMA composite beam during a loading-unloading cycle based on an …
response of an SMA composite beam during a loading-unloading cycle based on an …
Graphene-based stretchable and transparent moisture barrier
We propose an alumina-deposited double-layer graphene (2LG) as a transparent, scalable,
and stretchable barrier against moisture; this barrier is indispensable for foldable or …
and stretchable barrier against moisture; this barrier is indispensable for foldable or …
Strain transfer through film-substrate interface and surface curvature evolution during a tensile test
Uniaxial tensile tests on polyimide-supported thin metal films are performed to respectively
study the macroscopic strain transfer through an interface and the surface curvature …
study the macroscopic strain transfer through an interface and the surface curvature …