[หนังสือ][B] Convective flow and heat transfer from wavy surfaces: viscous fluids, porous media, and nanofluids

A Shenoy, M Sheremet, I Pop - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Convective Flow and Heat Transfer from Wavy Surfaces: Viscous Fluids, Porous Media, and
Nanofluids addresses the wavy irregular surfaces in heat transfer devices. Fluid flow and …

Studies on natural convection within enclosures of various (non-square) shapes–A review

D Das, M Roy, T Basak - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017 - Elsevier
Natural convection in an enclosure (internal convection) is an important problem due to its
significant practical applications. In energy related applications, natural convection plays a …

Effects of thermal boundary conditions on natural convection flows within a square cavity

T Basak, S Roy, AR Balakrishnan - International Journal of Heat and Mass …, 2006 - Elsevier
A numerical study to investigate the steady laminar natural convection flow in a square
cavity with uniformly and non-uniformly heated bottom wall, and adiabatic top wall …

Numerical investigation of heat transfer in a power-law non-Newtonian fluid in a C-Shaped cavity with magnetic field effect using finite difference lattice Boltzmann …

S Aghakhani, AH Pordanjani, A Karimipour… - Computers & …, 2018 - Elsevier
The present study aimed to investigate the natural convection heat transfer in a power-law,
non-Newtonian fluid under an applied magnetic field inside a C-shaped cavity using the …

Effects of the thermal boundary conditions at the sidewalls upon natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from below and cooled from above

M Corcione - International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2003 - Elsevier
Steady laminar natural convection in air-filled, 2-D rectangular enclosures heated from
below and cooled from above is studied numerically for a wide variety of thermal boundary …

Natural convection in enclosures with localized heating from below and symmetrical cooling from sides

O Aydin, WJ Yang - International Journal of Numerical Methods for …, 2000 - emerald.com
Natural convection of air in a two‐dimensional, rectangular enclosure with localized heating
from below and symmetrical cooling from the sides has been numerically investigated …

Numerical study of laminar natural convection inside square enclosure with single horizontal fin

A Elatar, MA Teamah, MA Hassab - International Journal of Thermal …, 2016 - Elsevier
A numerical study for laminar natural convection inside a square enclosure with a single
horizontal fin attached to its hot wall has been carried out. The enclosure horizontal surfaces …

Natural convection in a 2D enclosure with sinusoidal upper wall temperature

IE Sarris, I Lekakis, NS Vlachos - Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Natural convection in a two-dimensional, rectangular enclosure with sinusoidal temperature
profile on the upper wall and adiabatic conditions on the bottom and sidewalls is numerically …

The effect of buoyancy force on natural convection heat transfer of nanofluid flow in triangular cavity with different barriers

H Roshani, B Jalili, A Mirzaei, P Jalili, DD Ganji - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
This article aims to investigate the thermophysical properties of viscous nanofluid in the two-
dimensional geometry of a triangular cavity containing inverted triangle, square, and …