Tailored gamification in education: A literature review and future agenda
Gamification has been widely used to design better educational systems aiming to increase
students' concentration, motivation, engagement, flow experience, and others positive …
students' concentration, motivation, engagement, flow experience, and others positive …
Persuasive technology for health and wellness: State-of-the-art and emerging trends
The evolving field of persuasive and behavior change technology is increasingly targeted at
influencing behavior in the area of health and wellness. This paper provides an empirical …
influencing behavior in the area of health and wellness. This paper provides an empirical …
The effects of personalized gamification on students' flow experience, motivation, and enjoyment
Gamification refers to the attempt to transform different kinds of systems to be able to better
invoke positive experiences such as the flow state. However, the ability of such intervention …
invoke positive experiences such as the flow state. However, the ability of such intervention …
The gamification user types hexad scale
Several studies have indicated the need for personalizing gamified systems to users'
personalities. However, map** user personality onto design elements is difficult. Hexad is …
personalities. However, map** user personality onto design elements is difficult. Hexad is …
Empirical validation of the gamification user types hexad scale in English and Spanish
Gamification, the use of game elements in non-game systems, is now established as a
relevant research field in human-computer interaction (HCI). Several empirical studies have …
relevant research field in human-computer interaction (HCI). Several empirical studies have …
Towards personality-driven persuasive health games and gamified systems
Persuasive games and gamified systems are effective tools for motivating behavior change
using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that tailoring these systems can …
using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that tailoring these systems can …
A game plan: Gamification design principles in mHealth applications for chronic disease management
Effective chronic disease management is essential to improve positive health outcomes, and
incentive strategies are useful in promoting self-care with longevity. Gamification, applied …
incentive strategies are useful in promoting self-care with longevity. Gamification, applied …
Adaptive gamification for learning environments
In spite of their effectiveness, learning environments often fail to engage users and end up
under-used. Many studies show that gamification of learning environments can enhance …
under-used. Many studies show that gamification of learning environments can enhance …
Modeling the efficacy of persuasive strategies for different gamer types in serious games for health
Persuasive games for health are designed to alter human behavior or attitude using various
Persuasive Technology (PT) strategies. Recent years have witnessed an increasing number …
Persuasive Technology (PT) strategies. Recent years have witnessed an increasing number …
Elements of gameful design emerging from user preferences
Several studies have developed models to explain player preferences. These models have
been developed for digital games; however, they have been frequently applied in gameful …
been developed for digital games; however, they have been frequently applied in gameful …