Does getting defensive get you anywhere?—Seasonal balancing selection, temperature, and parasitoids shape real‐world, protective endosymbiont dynamics in the …
AH Smith, MP O'Connor, B Deal, C Kotzer… - Molecular …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Facultative, heritable endosymbionts are found at intermediate prevalence within most
insect species, playing frequent roles in their hosts' defence against environmental …
insect species, playing frequent roles in their hosts' defence against environmental …
A continuum of genetic divergence from sympatric host races to species in the pea aphid complex
Sympatric populations of insects adapted to different host plants, ie, host races, are good
models to investigate how natural selection can promote speciation in the face of ongoing …
models to investigate how natural selection can promote speciation in the face of ongoing …
Population genetic issues: the unfolding story using molecular markers.
HD Loxdale, G Lushai - 2007 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Few insects can match the ecological flexibility of aphids with their range of environmentally
and genetically determined phenotypes (Williams and Dixon, Chapter 3 this volume). They …
and genetically determined phenotypes (Williams and Dixon, Chapter 3 this volume). They …
Context‐dependent vertical transmission shapes strong endosymbiont community structure in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum
DI Rock, AH Smith, J Joffe, A Albertus… - Molecular …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Animal‐associated microbiomes are often comprised of structured, multispecies
communities, with particular microbes showing trends of co‐occurrence or exclusion. Such …
communities, with particular microbes showing trends of co‐occurrence or exclusion. Such …
Post-Pleistocene radiation of the pea aphid complex revealed by rapidly evolving endosymbionts
Adaptation to different resources has the potential to cause rapid species diversification, but
few studies have been able to quantify the time scale of recent adaptive radiations. The pea …
few studies have been able to quantify the time scale of recent adaptive radiations. The pea …
Protection of pea aphids associated with coinfecting bacterial symbionts persists during superparasitism by a braconid wasp
KJ Donald, HV Clarke, C Mitchell, RM Cornwell… - Microbial Ecology, 2016 - Springer
Bacterial endosymbionts that associate facultatively with insect herbivores can influence
insect fitness and trophic interactions. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, can be …
insect fitness and trophic interactions. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, can be …
Genome scans reveal candidate regions involved in the adaptation to host plant in the pea aphid complex
A major goal in evolutionary biology is to uncover the genetic basis of adaptation. Divergent
selection exerted on ecological traits may result in adaptive population differentiation and …
selection exerted on ecological traits may result in adaptive population differentiation and …
Multiple phenotypes conferred by a single insect symbiont are independent
Many microbial symbionts have multiple phenotypic consequences for their animal hosts.
However, the ways in which different symbiont-mediated phenotypes combine to affect …
However, the ways in which different symbiont-mediated phenotypes combine to affect …
Aphid-encoded variability in susceptibility to a parasitoid
Background Many animals exhibit variation in resistance to specific natural enemies. Such
variation may be encoded in their genomes or derived from infection with protective …
variation may be encoded in their genomes or derived from infection with protective …
Host range expansion of an introduced insect pest through multiple colonizations of specialized clones
Asexuality confers demographic advantages to invasive taxa, but generally limits adaptive
potential for colonizing of new habitats. Therefore, pre‐existing adaptations and habitat …
potential for colonizing of new habitats. Therefore, pre‐existing adaptations and habitat …