An overview of the magnetoresistance phenomenon in molecular systems
In this review, the classification of magnetoresistance effects, the electrical conduction
mechanisms without and with magnetic field, and the spintronics are briefly summarized …
mechanisms without and with magnetic field, and the spintronics are briefly summarized …
[HTML][HTML] Magneto-tunable photoresponse in ZnO-rGO/La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3/ITO heterostructure: An opto-spintronic phenomenon
We have investigated both red light (660 nm) and magnetic field (H) dependent carrier
transport properties of ZnO-rGO/La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LSMO)/ITO heterostructure at room …
transport properties of ZnO-rGO/La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LSMO)/ITO heterostructure at room …
Defect dynamics in the resistive switching characteristics of Y0. 95Sr0. 05MnO3 films induced by electronic excitations
We understand the role of defect dynamics on the resistive switching (RS) characteristics of
pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown Y 0.95 Sr 0.05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite films on the …
pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown Y 0.95 Sr 0.05 MnO 3 (YSMO) manganite films on the …
Positive MR and large temperature–field sensitivity in manganite based heterostructures
Studies on the ZnO/La 0.5 Pr 0.2 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LPSMO)/SrNb 0.002 Ti 0.998 O 3 (SNTO)
heterostructure having varying thickness of p-type LPSMO (100 nm–LP1) and (200 nm–LP2) …
heterostructure having varying thickness of p-type LPSMO (100 nm–LP1) and (200 nm–LP2) …
Defect assisted magneto-tunable photoresponse in ZnO-rGO/La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3/ITO heterojunctions
We have investigated light and magnetic field dependent electrical transport response of
(100− x)% ZnO-x% rGO/La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LSMO)/ITO (x= 0, 100, 0.6, 0.8) heterostructure …
(100− x)% ZnO-x% rGO/La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LSMO)/ITO (x= 0, 100, 0.6, 0.8) heterostructure …
Temperature-dependent I–V and C–V characteristics of chemically-grown Y0. 95Ca0. 05MnO3/Si thin films
D Dhruv, Z Joshi, S Kansara, DD Pandya… - Materials Research …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
In this communication, we report the results of the studies on temperature-dependent current—
voltage (I–V) and capacitance—voltage (C–V) characteristics of chemical solution …
voltage (I–V) and capacitance—voltage (C–V) characteristics of chemical solution …
Room temperature positive magnetoresistance and field effect studies of manganite-based heterostructure
We report the results of studies of rectifying behavior, positive magneoresistance (MR), the
charge-transport mechanism and the effect of an electric field on a ZnO (n)/La 0.5 Pr 0.2 Sr …
charge-transport mechanism and the effect of an electric field on a ZnO (n)/La 0.5 Pr 0.2 Sr …
Current–voltage characteristics and electroresistance in LaMnO 3− δ/La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3/LaAlO 3 thin film composites
In this communication, we report results of the electrical transport properties across the
interface of composites consisting of n-type LaMnO3− δ (LMO) and p-type La0. 7Ca0 …
interface of composites consisting of n-type LaMnO3− δ (LMO) and p-type La0. 7Ca0 …
Current–voltage characteristics of PLD grown manganite based ZnO/La0. 5Pr0. 2Sr0. 3MnO3/SrNb0. 002Ti0. 998O3 thin film heterostructure
We report the results of studies on the rectifying behavior and tunneling conduction in ZnO
(n)/La0. 5Pr0. 2Sr0. 3MnO3 (LPSMO)(p)/SrNb0. 002Ti0. 998O3 (SNTO)(n) thin film …
(n)/La0. 5Pr0. 2Sr0. 3MnO3 (LPSMO)(p)/SrNb0. 002Ti0. 998O3 (SNTO)(n) thin film …
Resistive switching behaviour of novel GdMnO3-based heterostructures
Synthesis and electrical transport properties of GdMnO 3/Al-doped ZnO (AZO) and GdMnO
3/ZnO (ZO) heterostructures grown by vacuum deposition are described. Pulsed laser …
3/ZnO (ZO) heterostructures grown by vacuum deposition are described. Pulsed laser …