Stance detection: A survey
Automatic elicitation of semantic information from natural language texts is an important
research problem with many practical application areas. Especially after the recent …
research problem with many practical application areas. Especially after the recent …
A systematic review of machine learning techniques for stance detection and its applications
Stance detection is an evolving opinion mining research area motivated by the vast increase
in the variety and volume of user-generated content. In this regard, considerable research …
in the variety and volume of user-generated content. In this regard, considerable research …
Multilingual stance detection in social media political debates
Stance Detection is the task of automatically determining whether the author of a text is in
favor, against, or neutral towards a given target. In this paper we investigate the portability of …
favor, against, or neutral towards a given target. In this paper we investigate the portability of …
[PDF][PDF] Overview of the task on stance and gender detection in tweets on Catalan independence at IberEval 2017
Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence (StanceCat) is a new
shared task proposed for the first time at the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign. The …
shared task proposed for the first time at the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign. The …
Stance evolution and twitter interactions in an italian political debate
The number of communications and messages generated by users on social media
platforms has progressively increased in the last years. Therefore, the issue of develo** …
platforms has progressively increased in the last years. Therefore, the issue of develo** …
Stance polarity in political debates: A diachronic perspective of network homophily and conversations on Twitter
In the last decade, social media gained a very significant role in public debates, and despite
the many intrinsic difficulties of analyzing data streaming from on-line platforms that are …
the many intrinsic difficulties of analyzing data streaming from on-line platforms that are …
TWilBert: Pre-trained deep bidirectional transformers for Spanish Twitter
In recent years, the Natural Language Processing community have been moving from
uncontextualized word embeddings towards contextualized word embeddings. Among …
uncontextualized word embeddings towards contextualized word embeddings. Among …
Explainable cross-topic stance detection for search results
One way to help users navigate debated topics online is to apply stance detection in web
search. Automatically identifying whether search results are against, neutral, or in favor …
search. Automatically identifying whether search results are against, neutral, or in favor …
Enhancing stance detection through sequential weighted multi-task learning
The exponential growth of user-generated content on social media platforms, online news
outlets, and digital communication has necessitated the development of automated tools for …
outlets, and digital communication has necessitated the development of automated tools for …
Semi-automatic generation of multilingual datasets for stance detection in Twitter
Popular social media networks provide the perfect environment to study the opinions and
attitudes expressed by users. While interactions in social media such as Twitter occur in …
attitudes expressed by users. While interactions in social media such as Twitter occur in …