Hydrogen liquefaction: a review of the fundamental physics, engineering practice and future opportunities
Hydrogen is emerging as one of the most promising energy carriers for a decarbonised
global energy system. Transportation and storage of hydrogen are critical to its large-scale …
global energy system. Transportation and storage of hydrogen are critical to its large-scale …
[HTML][HTML] Economics and finance of Small Modular Reactors: A systematic review and research agenda
Abstract The interest toward Small Modular nuclear Reactors (SMRs) is growing, and the
economic competitiveness of SMRs versus large reactors is a key topic. Leveraging a …
economic competitiveness of SMRs versus large reactors is a key topic. Leveraging a …
The economic analysis for hydrogen production cost towards electrolyzer technologies: Current and future competitiveness
Hydrogen production by electrolysis technology spurs as extensive investigation toward new
clear energy acquisition. The mainstream hydrogen production electrolyzers, including …
clear energy acquisition. The mainstream hydrogen production electrolyzers, including …
Optimal dispatch of low-carbon integrated energy system considering nuclear heating and carbon trading
The development of miniaturized nuclear power (NP) units and the improvement of the
carbon trading market provide a new way to realize the low-carbon operation of integrated …
carbon trading market provide a new way to realize the low-carbon operation of integrated …
Review of integration of small modular reactors in renewable energy microgrids
Integration of renewable energy sources in the form of microgrids can increase the
resilience of power systems and decrease their carbon footprints. However, renewable …
resilience of power systems and decrease their carbon footprints. However, renewable …
[HTML][HTML] Economics and finance of molten salt reactors
There is a long-standing and growing interest in Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) mainly
because of their potential advantages in terms of safety, sustainable fuel cycle, and the high …
because of their potential advantages in terms of safety, sustainable fuel cycle, and the high …
State-of-the-art review of small modular reactors
The decarbonization of the energy industry is one of the key pillars in the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The energy generation industry is an …
greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The energy generation industry is an …
Policies toward net-zero: Benchmarking the economic competitiveness of nuclear against wind and solar energy
Policymakers are increasingly discussing the role of nuclear and renewable energy in
replacing fossil-fuelled power generation, especially coal. In this debate, one of the key …
replacing fossil-fuelled power generation, especially coal. In this debate, one of the key …
Small modular and advanced nuclear reactors: A reality check
Nuclear power has been declining in importance over the last quarter century, with its share
of global electrical energy generation decreasing from 17.5 percent in 1996 to around 10 …
of global electrical energy generation decreasing from 17.5 percent in 1996 to around 10 …
Modular circular economy in energy infrastructure projects: Enabling factors and barriers
There is a growing body of literature surrounding circular economy (CE) and energy
infrastructure projects. Most of this literature focuses on CE initiatives related to material …
infrastructure projects. Most of this literature focuses on CE initiatives related to material …