Combined model for shielding effectiveness estimation of a metallic enclosure with apertures
F Tahar Belkacem, M Bensetti, AG Boutar… - … Science, Measurement & …, 2011 - IET
This study presents an approach which combines an analytical model developed by
Robinson et al. and a model which analyses the shielding effectiveness (SE) of enclosure …
Robinson et al. and a model which analyses the shielding effectiveness (SE) of enclosure …
Generalized algorithm based on equivalent Circuits for evaluating shielding effectiveness of electronic equipment enclosures
AA Ivanov, AA Kvasnikov, AV Demakov… - Algorithms, 2023 - mdpi.com
The article proposes a generalized algorithm for evaluating the shielding effectiveness (SE)
of electronic equipment enclosures. The algorithm is based on a number of analytical …
of electronic equipment enclosures. The algorithm is based on a number of analytical …
Hardening of EMP in shielded enclosure for radiated fields
Telecommunication and the military are facing the major problem against the
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effect. The electromagnetic pulse is having a high amplitude of …
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effect. The electromagnetic pulse is having a high amplitude of …
Shielding Effectiveness of Active Medical Implants and the Potential Use of Metallic Metamaterials
V Anjitha, K Sunitha - Handbook of Nano-Metamaterials, 2024 - Springer
Active medical implant market demand is in rise due to the increased use of such devices for
broader therapeutic applications. One major concern of the use of active medical device is …
broader therapeutic applications. One major concern of the use of active medical device is …
Обзор аналитических моделей для оценки эффективности экранирования металлических корпусов на основе метода эквивалентной цепи
АА Иванов - Системы управления, связи и безопасности, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Постановка задачи: Технические аспекты информационной безопасности
непосредственно связаны с электромагнитной совместимостью радиоэлектронных …
непосредственно связаны с электромагнитной совместимостью радиоэлектронных …
An efficient shielding effectiveness analysis of rectangular box perforated with numerous apertures by transmission line model
The shielding effectiveness of a metallic shield perforated with numerous apertures of
various shapes is evaluated in this paper. Here an appropriate admittance which takes the …
various shapes is evaluated in this paper. Here an appropriate admittance which takes the …
Estimation of shielding effectiveness of perforated rectangular enclosure using transmission line method for normal incidence and angle of incidence
The electrical and magnetic shielding effectiveness of a metallic shield perforated with
numerous apertures in the enclosure is evaluated in this paper. The Transmission Line …
numerous apertures in the enclosure is evaluated in this paper. The Transmission Line …
Assessing Shielding Effectiveness of Magnetodielectric-Filled Enclosures using the Robinson and Thomas Model
N Kuzmin, Y Zhechev - 2023 International Conference on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents the study results on assessing shielding effectiveness of rectangular
enclosures that are filled with magnetodielectric material using the Robinson and Thomas …
enclosures that are filled with magnetodielectric material using the Robinson and Thomas …
Analysis and control of shielding effectiveness for a rectangular enclosure with a rectangular aperture
X Ying, Y Liao, G Shi, Y Zhang - 2016 11th International …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electromagnetic environment has become more complex due to the rapid development of
modern electronic techniques, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems caused by …
modern electronic techniques, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems caused by …
A fast prediction for shielding effectiveness of double enclosures
L Yan, X Zhao, Y Kan, C Liu, K Huang… - 2015 IEEE …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A fast algorithm based on circuital modeling is proposed to predict shielding effectiveness
(SE) of double enclosures with apertures on the common wall. The shielding effectiveness of …
(SE) of double enclosures with apertures on the common wall. The shielding effectiveness of …