A Chicana feminist epistemology revisited: Cultivating ideas a generation later

D Calderón, DD Bernal, LP Huber… - Harvard …, 2012 - meridian.allenpress.com
this article, the authors simultaneously examine how education scholars have taken up the
call for (re) articulating Chicana feminist epistemological perspectives in their research and …

The Process of Reflexión in Bridging Testimonios Across Lived Experience: Michelle M. Espino Irene I.

MM Espino, II Vega, LI Rendón… - … /Latina testimonios as …, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Although grateful for the opportunity to share our experiences in a public forum, we had not
anticipated the profound emotional, intellectual, and healing connections that emerged. We …

Toward a pedagogy of border thinking: Building on Latin@ students' subaltern knowledge

CG Cervantes-Soon, JF Carrillo - The High School Journal, 2016 - muse.jhu.edu
Based on Walter Mignolo's (2000) notion of border thinking, that is, the subaltern knowledge
generated from the exterior borders of the modern/colonial world system, this article extends …

Ancestral knowledge systems: A conceptual framework for decolonizing research in social science

CDM Sandoval, RM Lagunas… - AlterNative: An …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Building on the seminal work of Linda T. Smith in decolonizing research methodologies, this
paper introduces Ancestral Knowledge Systems (AKS) as a conceptual framework for social …

Bridging silos in higher education: Using Chicana feminist participatory action research to foster Latina resilience

RM López, EC Valdez, HS Pacheco… - … Journal of Qualitative …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study takes place at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and examines the experience
of women who are part of a research collective studying a Latina college mentoring …

Using a **cana feminist framework in bilingual teacher preparation: Toward an anticolonial path

CG Cervantes-Soon - The Urban Review, 2018 - Springer
This article intentionally proposes the use of anticolonial **cana feminisms as a theoretical
foundation for Spanish–English bilingual teacher preparation programs that serve a majority …

[BOK][B] Studying Latinx/a/o students in higher education

NM Garcia, J Cisneros, C Salinas Jr - 2021 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This edited volume examines the diverse Latinx/a/o student populations in higher education.
Offering innovative approaches to understand the asset-based contributions of Latinx/a/o …

[BOK][B] Juárez girls rising: Transformative education in times of dystopia

CG Cervantes-Soon - 2017 - books.google.com
Working-class girls in Ciudad Juárez grow up in a context marked by violence against
women, the devastating effects of drug cartel wars, unresponsive and abusive authorities …

The scheme game: How DACA recipients navigate barriers to higher education

LF Macías - Educational Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
College-bound recipients of DACA—a 2012 US administrative policy officially titled
Consideration for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—face a series of administrative and …

Pláticas as a methodological praxis of love

S Hannegan-Martinez - … Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, I explore how pláticas allowed for my former high school students and I to
conceptualize love. This work is a response to overwhelming statistics regarding child …