Progress and performance of multi-stage solar still–A review
Solar desalination provides a clean and economical way for freshwater supply, thus
becoming more and more promising. In this work, the research progress of multi-stage solar …
becoming more and more promising. In this work, the research progress of multi-stage solar …
Towards hybrid nanofluids: preparation, thermophysical properties, applications, and challenges
The objective of compiling this study is to seek the attention of young scholars and experts
working in the field of heat transfer by discussing the applications and challenges of hybrid …
working in the field of heat transfer by discussing the applications and challenges of hybrid …
Augmentation and evaluation of solar still performance: a comprehensive review
Solar desalination is an eco-friendly technique for freshwater supply in arid regions, thus
becoming more and more promising. Solar desalination could fulfill the requirements of the …
becoming more and more promising. Solar desalination could fulfill the requirements of the …
Enhancing solar still thermal performance: The role of surface coating and thermal energy storage in repurposed soda cans
Despite technical developments, fresh water remains a critical human need unmet in many
distant regions. This research investigates a solution by enhancing a single slope solar still …
distant regions. This research investigates a solution by enhancing a single slope solar still …
Solar desalination using solar still enhanced by external solar collector and PCM
In this work, an experimental study on water desalination using a solar still having phase
change material (PCM) and connected to a solar collector was carried out. The PCM is used …
change material (PCM) and connected to a solar collector was carried out. The PCM is used …
A review on recent development of thermal performance enhancement methods of flat plate solar water heater
The present review focusses on the recent developments in the thermo-economic
performance of solar water heating systems regarding the design, modification of thermo …
performance of solar water heating systems regarding the design, modification of thermo …
Thin film technology for solar steam generation: A new dawn
The sun is considered as the most promising abundant renewable energy source that can
be exploited to solve many of human beings' challenges such as energy and water scarcity …
be exploited to solve many of human beings' challenges such as energy and water scarcity …
Performance enhancement of pyramid-shaped solar stills using hollow circular fins and phase change materials
The pyramid solar still has bulky condensing and receiving surface area in compared to the
conventional single slope solar still. The present study concerns experimentally with the …
conventional single slope solar still. The present study concerns experimentally with the …
A comprehensive review of direct solar desalination techniques and its advancements
Demand of fresh water is rising continuously because of increase in population. This has
created an undue burden on limited reserves of fresh water. Desalination is one of the …
created an undue burden on limited reserves of fresh water. Desalination is one of the …
Silver (Ag) based nanoparticles in paraffin wax as thermal energy storage for stepped solar still–An experimental approach
R Sathyamurthy - Solar Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Paraffin wax is used as a phase change material for thermal energy storage using silver (Ag)
nanoparticles doped at different concentrations. The characteristics of Ag nanoparticles in …
nanoparticles doped at different concentrations. The characteristics of Ag nanoparticles in …