Learning analytics in higher education—a literature review

P Leitner, M Khalil, M Ebner - … , applications, and trends: A view of the …, 2017 - Springer
This chapter looks into examining research studies of the last five years and presents the
state of the art of Learning Analytics (LA) in the Higher Education (HE) arena. Therefore, we …

Nuevas tendencias de aprendizaje colaborativo en e-learning: Claves para su implementación efectiva

R Avello Martínez, JM Duart - Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), 2016 - SciELO Chile
Nos encontramos en el inicio de una nueva evolución, como resultado del desarrollo de las
TIC, y su introducción y uso intensivo en las dinámicas sociales y en la realidad educativa …

An integrated framework for course adapted student learning analytics dashboard

NR Aljohani, A Daud, RA Abbasi, JS Alowibdi… - Computers in Human …, 2019 - Elsevier
The advanced learning analytics research of the last years converges with the industry
demand to enhance famous learning management systems with learning analytics …

[PDF][PDF] Supporting self-regulated learning

A Nussbaumer, I Dahn, S Kroop… - … outcomes of research …, 2015 - library.oapen.org
Self-regulated learning (SRL) competences are crucial for lifelong learning. Their cultivation
requires the right balance between freedom and guidance during the learning processes …

Learning analytics in massive open online courses

M Khalil - arxiv preprint arxiv:1802.09344, 2018 - arxiv.org
Educational technology has obtained great importance over the last fifteen years. At present,
the umbrella of educational technology incorporates multitudes of engaging online …

Virtual Blended Learning virtual 3D worlds and their integration in teaching scenarios

C Lecon, M Herkersdorf - 2014 9th International Conference on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Virtual Blended Learning virtual 3D worlds and their integration in teaching scenarios Page 1
The 9th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2014) August …

The side effect of learning analytics: An empirical study on e-learning technologies and user privacy

M May, S Iksal, CA Usener - … Conference, CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, April …, 2017 - Springer
Student monitoring, the most common practice in Learning Analytics (LA), has become
easier and more efficient thanks to the use of tracking approach that consists of collecting …

[PDF][PDF] Recommender and guidance strategies for creating personal mashup learning environments

A Nussbaumer, D Dahrendorf… - Computer Science …, 2014 - ids-pub.bsz-bw.de
This article presents an approach that supports the creation of personal learning
environments (PLE) suitable for self-regulated learning (SRL). PLEs became very popular in …

[PDF][PDF] An analytic review of the studies on learning analytics based dashboard in e-learning environments

SH **, MN Yoo - Journal of Korean Association for Educational …, 2015 - researchgate.net
Learning Analytics (LA) has been recently paid attention due to the increase of e-learning.
LA aims to use prescriptively the results which learner's behaviors are analyzed and can be …


RF Duda, BO Barcelos… - Anais do Congresso …, 2022 - proceeding.ciki.ufsc.br
Este estudo apresenta uma revisão integrativa da literatura para identificar e classificar as
ontologias desenvolvidas na área de Learning Analytics (LA), com o objetivo de investigar …