Certificateless remote anonymous authentication schemes for wirelessbody area networks
Wireless body area network (WBAN) has been recognized as one of the promising wireless
sensor technologies for improving healthcare service, thanks to its capability of seamlessly …
sensor technologies for improving healthcare service, thanks to its capability of seamlessly …
Analysing unlinkability and anonymity using the applied pi calculus
An attacker that can identify messages as coming from the same source, can use this
information to build up a picture of targets' behaviour, and so, threaten their privacy. In …
information to build up a picture of targets' behaviour, and so, threaten their privacy. In …
Automated symbolic proofs of observational equivalence
Many cryptographic security definitions can be naturally formulated as observational
equivalence properties. However, existing automated tools for verifying the observational …
equivalence properties. However, existing automated tools for verifying the observational …
Attacks on RFID protocols
T Van Deursen, S Radomirović - Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2009 - discovery.dundee.ac.uk
This document consists of a collection of attacks upon RFID protocols and is meant to serve
as a quick and easy reference. This document will be updated as new attacks are found …
as a quick and easy reference. This document will be updated as new attacks are found …
PUF-enhanced offline RFID security and privacy
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) based communication solutions have been widely
used nowadays for mobile environments such as access control for secure system, ticketing …
used nowadays for mobile environments such as access control for secure system, ticketing …
Formal verification of privacy for RFID systems
M Bruso, K Chatzikokolakis… - 2010 23rd IEEE …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
RFID tags are being widely employed in a variety of applications, ranging from barcode
replacement to electronic passports. Their extensive use, however, in combination with their …
replacement to electronic passports. Their extensive use, however, in combination with their …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of symbolic methods for establishing equivalence-based properties in cryptographic protocols
Cryptographic protocols aim at securing communications over insecure networks such as
the Internet, where dishonest users may listen to communications and interfere with them. A …
the Internet, where dishonest users may listen to communications and interfere with them. A …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a model for security and privacy in the internet of things
S Radomirovic - Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Security of the Internet of …, 2010 - nics.uma.es
Towards a Model for Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things Page 1 Towards a Model
for Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things Saša Radomirovic Laboratory of …
for Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things Saša Radomirovic Laboratory of …
A method for proving unlinkability of stateful protocols
D Baelde, S Delaune, S Moreau - 2020 IEEE 33rd Computer …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The rise of contactless and wireless devices such as mobile phones and RFID chips justifies
significant concerns over privacy, and calls for communication protocols that ensure some …
significant concerns over privacy, and calls for communication protocols that ensure some …
Time measurement threatens privacy-friendly RFID authentication protocols
Privacy is one of the most important security concerns in radio frequency identification. The
publication of hundred RFID-based authentication protocols during the last decade raised …
publication of hundred RFID-based authentication protocols during the last decade raised …