What are we explaining? A review and agenda on initiating, engaging, performing, and contextualizing entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is multifaceted. The purpose of this review is to acknowledge and critically
assess the many and varied dependent variables (DVs) of entrepreneurship over the last 17 …
assess the many and varied dependent variables (DVs) of entrepreneurship over the last 17 …
Entrepreneurial opportunities and the entrepreneurship nexus: A re-conceptualization
P Davidsson - Journal of business venturing, 2015 - Elsevier
The literature on “entrepreneurial opportunities” has grown rapidly since the publication of
Shane and Venkataraman (2000). By directing attention to the earliest stages of …
Shane and Venkataraman (2000). By directing attention to the earliest stages of …
Is it okay to study entrepreneurial orientation (EO) at the individual level? Yes!
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is an important construct in the fields of management and
entrepreneurship research. Interest in EO knowledge continues to thrive with a burgeoning …
entrepreneurship research. Interest in EO knowledge continues to thrive with a burgeoning …
[HTML][HTML] Innovativeness and entrepreneurial performance of female entrepreneurs
Y Huang, P Li, J Wang, K Li - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2022 - Elsevier
Entrepreneurs' innovativeness is an important factor affecting the performance of start-up
companies. Based on social cognitive theory, this study analyzes the relationship between …
companies. Based on social cognitive theory, this study analyzes the relationship between …
Entrepreneurial alertness, self-efficacy and social entrepreneurship intentions
B Urban - Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Considering that many unanswered questions remain regarding the antecedents to
entrepreneurial intentions, the purpose of this study is to develop insights from existing …
entrepreneurial intentions, the purpose of this study is to develop insights from existing …
Exploring entrepreneurial characteristics, motivations and behaviours in equity crowdfunding: some evidence from Italy
Purpose This study explores entrepreneurial decision-making in the equity crowdfunding
(ECF) context, and it aims to shed some light on the relationship among three aspects …
(ECF) context, and it aims to shed some light on the relationship among three aspects …
Entrepreneurial alertness: A meta-analysis and empirical review
Entrepreneurial alertness (EA) has attracted increasing attention in scholarly work, and a
multitude of empirical studies have examined the antecedents and outcomes of …
multitude of empirical studies have examined the antecedents and outcomes of …
Entrepreneurial alertness: Exploring its psychological antecedents and effects on firm outcomes
Recognition of potentially valuable business opportunities is often the start of
entrepreneurship. The present research focused on entrepreneurial alertness, which has …
entrepreneurship. The present research focused on entrepreneurial alertness, which has …
Entrepreneurs and innovation: The contingent role of institutional factors
Entrepreneurs play a key role in introducing innovations into the market. However, the extant
literature has found that the degree of innovation within new ventures varies considerably …
literature has found that the degree of innovation within new ventures varies considerably …
The effectiveness of design thinking in improving student creativity skills and entrepreneurial alertness.
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of entrepreneurship learning with the
Stanford D School design thinking approach and to make students more actively involved in …
Stanford D School design thinking approach and to make students more actively involved in …