Applications of time parallelization

BW Ong, JB Schroder - Computing and Visualization in Science, 2020 - Springer
This review article serves to summarize the many advances in time-parallel computations
since the excellent review article by Gander,“50 years of Time Parallel Integration”(Gander …

Bridging the scales in nano engineering and science

J Fish - Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2006 - Springer
This review article describes various multiscale approaches, development of which was
spurred by the emergence of nanotechnology. The multiscale approaches are grouped into …

Parallel time integration with multigrid

RD Falgout, S Friedhoff, TV Kolev, SP MacLachlan… - SIAM Journal on …, 2014 - SIAM
We consider optimal-scaling multigrid solvers for the linear systems that arise from the
discretization of problems with evolutionary behavior. Typically, solution algorithms for …

50 years of time parallel time integration

MJ Gander - Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition …, 2015 - Springer
Time parallel time integration methods have received renewed interest over the last decade
because of the advent of massively parallel computers, which is mainly due to the clock …

Analysis of the parareal time-parallel time-integration method

MJ Gander, S Vandewalle - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2007 - SIAM
The parareal algorithm is a method to solve time-dependent problems parallel in time: it
approximates parts of the solution later in time simultaneously to parts of the solution earlier …

[KNIHA][B] Computational optimization of systems governed by partial differential equations

A Borzì, V Schulz - 2011 - SIAM
This book provides an introduction to some modern computational techniques for
optimization problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs). The optimization …

Analysis of a new space-time parallel multigrid algorithm for parabolic problems

MJ Gander, M Neumuller - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2016 - SIAM
We present and analyze a new space-time parallel multigrid method for parabolic equations.
The method is based on arbitrarily high order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations in time …

Preconditioning Lanczos approximations to the matrix exponential

J Van Den Eshof, M Hochbruck - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2006 - SIAM
The Lanczos method is an iterative procedure to compute an orthogonal basis for the Krylov
subspace generated by a symmetric matrix A and a starting vector v. An interesting …

Multigrid methods for PDE optimization

A Borzi, V Schulz - SIAM review, 2009 - SIAM
Research on multigrid methods for optimization problems is reviewed. Optimization
problems considered include shape design, parameter optimization, and optimal control …

Preconditioning and iterative solution of all-at-once systems for evolutionary partial differential equations

E McDonald, J Pestana, A Wathen - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2018 - SIAM
Standard Krylov subspace solvers for self-adjoint problems have rigorous convergence
bounds based solely on eigenvalues. However, for non-self-adjoint problems, eigenvalues …