Machine-learned potentials for next-generation matter simulations
The choice of simulation methods in computational materials science is driven by a
fundamental trade-off: bridging large time-and length-scales with highly accurate …
fundamental trade-off: bridging large time-and length-scales with highly accurate …
Physics-inspired structural representations for molecules and materials
The first step in the construction of a regression model or a data-driven analysis, aiming to
predict or elucidate the relationship between the atomic-scale structure of matter and its …
predict or elucidate the relationship between the atomic-scale structure of matter and its …
Machine learning for chemical reactions
M Meuwly - Chemical Reviews, 2021 - ACS Publications
Machine learning (ML) techniques applied to chemical reactions have a long history. The
present contribution discusses applications ranging from small molecule reaction dynamics …
present contribution discusses applications ranging from small molecule reaction dynamics …
Quantum chemistry in the age of machine learning
PO Dral - The journal of physical chemistry letters, 2020 - ACS Publications
As the quantum chemistry (QC) community embraces machine learning (ML), the number of
new methods and applications based on the combination of QC and ML is surging. In this …
new methods and applications based on the combination of QC and ML is surging. In this …
Exploring chemical compound space with quantum-based machine learning
Rational design of compounds with specific properties requires understanding and fast
evaluation of molecular properties throughout chemical compound space—the huge set of …
evaluation of molecular properties throughout chemical compound space—the huge set of …
Neural network potentials for chemistry: concepts, applications and prospects
Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are already heavily involved in methods and applications for
frequent tasks in the field of computational chemistry such as representation of potential …
frequent tasks in the field of computational chemistry such as representation of potential …
Ab initio machine learning in chemical compound space
Chemical compound space (CCS), the set of all theoretically conceivable combinations of
chemical elements and (meta-) stable geometries that make up matter, is colossal. The first …
chemical elements and (meta-) stable geometries that make up matter, is colossal. The first …
Machine learning for quantum mechanics in a nutshell
M Rupp - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Models that combine quantum mechanics (QM) with machine learning (ML) promise to
deliver the accuracy of QM at the speed of ML. This hands‐on tutorial introduces the reader …
deliver the accuracy of QM at the speed of ML. This hands‐on tutorial introduces the reader …
CHARMM at 45: Enhancements in accessibility, functionality, and speed
Since its inception nearly a half century ago, CHARMM has been playing a central role in
computational biochemistry and biophysics. Commensurate with the developments in …
computational biochemistry and biophysics. Commensurate with the developments in …
Quantum machine learning in chemical compound space
OA Von Lilienfeld - Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Rather than numerically solving the computationally demanding equations of quantum or
statistical mechanics, machine learning methods can infer approximate solutions …
statistical mechanics, machine learning methods can infer approximate solutions …