[HTML][HTML] Morphometric length-weight relationships of wild penaeid shrimps in Malindi-Ungwana Bay: Implications to aquaculture development in Kenya
RM Kaka, JO Jung'a, M Badamana, RK Ruwa… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
The present investigation describes the biology of penaeid shrimps and their fishery studies
on morphometric length-weight relationships estimated during the two monsoon seasons …
on morphometric length-weight relationships estimated during the two monsoon seasons …
Length–weight relationship and reproductive biology aspects of Sardinella melanura caught from the coastal waters of Phetchaburi, the Inner Gulf of Thailand
This work describes the length–weight relationship (LWR) and various reproductive
parameters of Sardinella melanura caught by artisanal fishers using gillnets along the coast …
parameters of Sardinella melanura caught by artisanal fishers using gillnets along the coast …
Growth, production and feed conversion performance of the gurami sago (Osphronemus goramy Lacepède, 1801) strain in different aquaculture systems
Abstract Background: Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy, Osphronemidae), belonging to
gurami sago strain, is an important economic fish species that was newly released for …
gurami sago strain, is an important economic fish species that was newly released for …
The analysis of genetic variation in the mitochondrial ND6 gene and its application for the identification of Indonesian catfish species
Background Catfish is a freshwater and saltwater fish type with a wide distribution
throughout the Indonesian archipelago. This study was conducted to analyze Indonesian …
throughout the Indonesian archipelago. This study was conducted to analyze Indonesian …
Reproductive performance of asian catfish (Hemibagrus wyckii Bleeker, 1858), a candidate species for aquaculture
Background: Hemibagrus wyckii Bagridae is one of the important economic fish species that
lives in the rivers and reservoir in Riau Province, Indonesia. The present study aimed to …
lives in the rivers and reservoir in Riau Province, Indonesia. The present study aimed to …
[PDF][PDF] Morphometric characteristics of asian catfish, Hemibagrus wyckii (Bleeker, 1858)(Bagridae), from the Riau Province of Indonesia
Asian Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckii) is an important fish having both food and a high price in
the market. These species are categorized as a carnivorous freshwater finfish native in …
the market. These species are categorized as a carnivorous freshwater finfish native in …
[PDF][PDF] Some reproductive aspects of Oreochromis niloticus (LINNAEUS, 1758) at Peele reservoir, Nakanbé River Basin, Burkina Faso
GS Parfait, O Adama, N Awa, G Awa… - … Journal of Fisheries …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Some reproductive parameters of Oreochromis niloticus have been studied from April 2015
to Mars 2017 at Peelé reservoir, Burkina Faso. Specimens of O. niloticus were collected …
to Mars 2017 at Peelé reservoir, Burkina Faso. Specimens of O. niloticus were collected …
[PDF][PDF] Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Trichopodus trichopterus from Ogan Ilir peat swamp, South Sumatra, Indonesia
The study of the length-weight relationship and condition factor is a fundamental component
of fisheries management. Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) is a native species of …
of fisheries management. Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) is a native species of …
[PDF][PDF] Aspek reproduksi ikan betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata Blkr.) yang tertangkap di Waduk Penjalin Brebes
Abstrak Ikan betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata Blkr.) merupakan ikan air tawar liar di Waduk
Penjalin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek reproduksi ikan betutu di …
Penjalin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek reproduksi ikan betutu di …
[PDF][PDF] Article title: Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) from Ogan Ilir peat swamp, South Sumatra, Indonesia …
MRA Putra - 2023 - repository.unsri.ac.id
The study of the length-weight relationship and condition factor is a fundamental component
of fisheries management. Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) is a native species of …
of fisheries management. Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) is a native species of …