From tabular data to knowledge graphs: A survey of semantic table interpretation tasks and methods
Tabular data often refers to data that is organized in a table with rows and columns. We
observe that this data format is widely used on the Web and within enterprise data …
observe that this data format is widely used on the Web and within enterprise data …
[HTML][HTML] Feature/vector entity retrieval and disambiguation techniques to create a supervised and unsupervised semantic table interpretation approach
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in extracting and annotating tables on the
Web. This activity allows the transformation of textual data into machine-readable formats to …
Web. This activity allows the transformation of textual data into machine-readable formats to …
[PDF][PDF] SemTab 2021: Tabular Data Annotation with MTab Tool.
This paper presents MTab, an automatic tool for tabular data annotation with knowledge
graphs. MTab tool could provide helpful information for tabular data such as structural …
graphs. MTab tool could provide helpful information for tabular data such as structural …
Results of semtab 2020
SemTab 2020 was the second edition of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to
Knowledge Graph Matching, successfully collocated with the 19th International Semantic …
Knowledge Graph Matching, successfully collocated with the 19th International Semantic …
Linking entities across relations and graphs
This article proposes a notion of parametric simulation to link entities across a relational
database 𝒟 and a graph G. Taking functions and thresholds for measuring vertex closeness …
database 𝒟 and a graph G. Taking functions and thresholds for measuring vertex closeness …
Survey on Semantic Interpretation of Tabular Data: Challenges and Directions
Tabular data plays a pivotal role in various fields, making it a popular format for data
manipulation and exchange, particularly on the web. The interpretation, extraction, and …
manipulation and exchange, particularly on the web. The interpretation, extraction, and …
DAGOBAH: table and graph contexts for efficient semantic annotation of tabular data
In this paper, we present the latest improvements of the DAGOBAH system that performs
automatic pre-processing and semantic interpretation of tables. In particular, we report …
automatic pre-processing and semantic interpretation of tables. In particular, we report …
[PDF][PDF] KGCODE-Tab Results for SemTab 2022.
X Li, S Wang, W Zhou, G Zhang, C Jiang, T Hong… - SemTab …, 2022 - ceur-ws.org
This paper presents the results of KGCODE-Tab in the tabular data to knowledge graph
matching contest SemTab 2022. As an efficient tabular data linking system, KGCODE-Tab is …
matching contest SemTab 2022. As an efficient tabular data linking system, KGCODE-Tab is …
Radar station: Using kg embeddings for semantic table interpretation and entity disambiguation
Relational tables are widely used to store information about entities and their attributes and
they are the de-facto format for training AI algorithms. Numerous Semantic Table …
they are the de-facto format for training AI algorithms. Numerous Semantic Table …
A graph-based approach for inferring semantic descriptions of wikipedia tables
There are millions of high-quality tables available in Wikipedia. These tables cover many
domains and contain useful information. To make use of these tables for data discovery or …
domains and contain useful information. To make use of these tables for data discovery or …