The hippocampal-VTA loop: controlling the entry of information into long-term memory

JE Lisman, AA Grace - Neuron, 2005 -
In this article we develop the concept that the hippocampus and the midbrain dopaminergic
neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) form a functional loop. Activation of the loop …

Frontal-midline theta from the perspective of hippocampal “theta”

DJ Mitchell, N McNaughton, D Flanagan, IJ Kirk - Progress in neurobiology, 2008 - Elsevier
Electrical recordings from the surface of the skull have a wide range of rhythmic
components. A major task of analysis of this EEG is to determine their source and functional …

Theta returns

MJ Kahana, D Seelig, JR Madsen - Current opinion in neurobiology, 2001 - Elsevier
Recent physiological studies have implicated theta—a high-amplitude 4–8 Hz oscillation
that is prominent in rat hippocampus during locomotion, orienting and other voluntary …

[HTML][HTML] The hearing hippocampus

AJ Billig, M Lad, W Sedley, TD Griffiths - Progress in Neurobiology, 2022 - Elsevier
The hippocampus has a well-established role in spatial and episodic memory but a broader
function has been proposed including aspects of perception and relational processing …

Distinct patterns of brain oscillations underlie two basic parameters of human maze learning

JB Caplan, JR Madsen… - Journal of …, 2001 -
We examine how oscillations in the intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) relate to
human maze learning. Theta-band activity (4–12 Hz in rodents; 4–8 Hz in humans) plays a …

An oscillatory short-term memory buffer model can account for data on the Sternberg task

O Jensen, JE Lisman - Journal of Neuroscience, 1998 -
A limited number (7±2) of items can be held in human short-term memory (STM). We have
previously suggested that observed dual (theta and gamma) oscillations could underlie a …

Dopamine D1/D5 receptors mediate informational saliency that promotes persistent hippocampal long-term plasticity

N Hansen, D Manahan-Vaughan - Cerebral Cortex, 2014 -
Dopamine (DA) plays an essential role in the enablement of cognition. It adds color to
experience-dependent information storage, conferring salience to the memories that result …

Event-related potentials-the P3 wave

T Hruby, P Marsalek - Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, 2003 -
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) are a basic, non-invasive method of neurophysiological
investigation. They can be used to assess aspects of human cognitive information …

Novelty manipulations, memory performance, and predictive coding: The role of unexpectedness

R Reichardt, B Polner, P Simor - Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2020 -
Novelty is central to the study of memory, but the wide range of experimental manipulations
aimed to reveal its effects on learning produced inconsistent results. The novelty/encoding …

EEG gamma frequency and sleep–wake scoring in mice: comparing two types of supervised classifiers

J Brankačk, VI Kukushka, AL Vyssotski, A Draguhn - Brain research, 2010 - Elsevier
There is growing interest in sleep research and increasing demand for screening of
circadian rhythms in genetically modified animals. This requires reliable sleep stage scoring …