More losers than winners: investigating Anthropocene defaunation through the diversity of population trends
The global‐scale decline of animal biodiversity ('defaunation') represents one of the most
alarming consequences of human impacts on the planet. The quantification of this extinction …
alarming consequences of human impacts on the planet. The quantification of this extinction …
Geological and climatic influences on mountain biodiversity
Mountains are key features of the Earth's surface and host a substantial proportion of the
world's species. However, the links between the evolution and distribution of biodiversity …
world's species. However, the links between the evolution and distribution of biodiversity …
A global reptile assessment highlights shared conservation needs of tetrapods
Comprehensive assessments of species' extinction risks have documented the extinction
crisis and underpinned strategies for reducing those risks. Global assessments reveal that …
crisis and underpinned strategies for reducing those risks. Global assessments reveal that …
The global distribution of tetrapods reveals a need for targeted reptile conservation
The distributions of amphibians, birds and mammals have underpinned global and local
conservation priorities, and have been fundamental to our understanding of the …
conservation priorities, and have been fundamental to our understanding of the …
Imagining extinction: The cultural meanings of endangered species
We are currently facing the sixth mass extinction of species in the history of life on Earth,
biologists claim—the first one caused by humans. Activists, filmmakers, writers, and artists …
biologists claim—the first one caused by humans. Activists, filmmakers, writers, and artists …
Vulnerability of global biodiversity hotspots to climate change
Motivation More than half of Earth's species are contained in a mere 1.4% of its land area,
but the climates of many of these biodiversity hotspots are projected to disappear as a …
but the climates of many of these biodiversity hotspots are projected to disappear as a …
Biodiversity at risk under future cropland expansion and intensification
Agriculture is the leading driver of biodiversity loss. However, its future impact on biodiversity
remains unclear, especially because agricultural intensification is often neglected, and high …
remains unclear, especially because agricultural intensification is often neglected, and high …
A strategy for the next decade to address data deficiency in neglected biodiversity
Measuring progress toward international biodiversity targets requires robust information on
the conservation status of species, which the International Union for Conservation of Nature …
the conservation status of species, which the International Union for Conservation of Nature …
Using species distribution models at local scale to guide the search of poorly known species: Review, methodological issues and future directions
Among specific applications of species distribution models (SDMs), the use of SDMs
probabilistic maps for guiding field surveys is increasingly applied. This approach is …
probabilistic maps for guiding field surveys is increasingly applied. This approach is …
[HTML][HTML] Biodiversity hotspots: A shortcut for a more complicated concept
In an era of human activities, global environmental changes, habitat loss and species
extinction, conservation strategies are a crucial step toward minimizing biodiversity loss. For …
extinction, conservation strategies are a crucial step toward minimizing biodiversity loss. For …