Recent advances made by reaction experiments on melting of heavily metasomatized hydrous mantle
Mantle-derived magmas are traditionally assumed to originate by melting of an upper mantle
consisting of uniform spinel-or garnet peridotite dominated by olivine. However, extensive …
consisting of uniform spinel-or garnet peridotite dominated by olivine. However, extensive …
The Eastern Australian Volcanic Province, its primitive melts, constraints on melt sources and the influence of mantle metasomatism
Abstract The Eastern Australian Volcanic Province (EAVP) is a∼ 3800 km discontinuous
belt of Cenozoic mafic intraplate volcanoes along the eastern seaboard of Australia. EAVP …
belt of Cenozoic mafic intraplate volcanoes along the eastern seaboard of Australia. EAVP …
Multiple episodes of rock-melt reaction at the slab-mantle interface: Formation of high silica primary magmas in intermediate to hot subduction zones
Siliceous slab-derived partial melts infiltrate the sub-arc mantle and cause rock-melt
reactions, which govern the formation of diverse primary arc magmas and lithological …
reactions, which govern the formation of diverse primary arc magmas and lithological …
Partial melting of arclogite and petrogenesis of alkaline-silicate complexes
Magmatic processing in the lower crust of thick-crusted (> 40 km) arcs generates garnet-rich
clinopyroxenite residues (arclogites) that are denser than the underlying mantle and …
clinopyroxenite residues (arclogites) that are denser than the underlying mantle and …
Geochemical evidence for a widespread Paleoproterozoic continental arc-back-arc magmatism in the Lesser Himalaya during the Columbia supercontinent assembly
A Pandey - Precambrian Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The geodynamic evolution of the proto-northern Indian continental margin during
Paleoproterozoic is widely debated. The proposed models include (i) a mantle plume …
Paleoproterozoic is widely debated. The proposed models include (i) a mantle plume …
Transcrustal and source processes affecting the chemical characteristics of magmas in a hyperactive volcanic zone
Arc magma generation and evolution are affected by transcrustal processes, such as
assimilation and fractional crystallisation, and source processes like slab influx into the …
assimilation and fractional crystallisation, and source processes like slab influx into the …
Enriched HfNd isotopic signature of veined pyroxenite-infiltrated peridotite as a possible source for E-MORB
Pyroxenite-peridotite sequences from the External Liguride (EL) Jurassic ophiolites
(Northern Apennines, Italy) consist of portions of fertile MORB mantle that were modified by …
(Northern Apennines, Italy) consist of portions of fertile MORB mantle that were modified by …
Mckelveyite group minerals – Part 2: Alicewilsonite-(YCe), Na2Sr2YCe(CO3)6 ⋅ 3H2O, a new species
The new mckelveyite group mineral alicewilsonite-(YCe), ideally Na 2 Sr 2 YCe (CO 3) 6⋅
3H 2 O, was found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, and subsequently at the Saint …
3H 2 O, was found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, and subsequently at the Saint …
Derivation of Hawaiian rejuvenated magmas from deep carbonated mantle sources: A review of experimental and natural constraints
The role of carbon-rich or carbonatitic melts as an important metasomatizing agent in the
Earth's mantle is supported by direct and indirect evidence of their involvement, ranging from …
Earth's mantle is supported by direct and indirect evidence of their involvement, ranging from …
Experimental insights into the petrogenesis of plume‐related magmas: Tholeiite‐harzburgite interaction at 2–3 GPa and 1,400–1,500 C
YS Hou, HY Li, Y Wang, YF Zhang… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
How eclogite/pyroxenite‐derived melts evolve through the refractory lithosphere above a
plume remains poorly understood. Here we conducted layered experiments of reaction …
plume remains poorly understood. Here we conducted layered experiments of reaction …