[HTML][HTML] Structural changes in metallic glass-forming liquids on cooling and subsequent vitrification in relationship with their properties

DV Louzguine-Luzgin - Materials, 2022 - mdpi.com
The present review is related to the studies of structural changes observed in metallic glass-
forming liquids on cooling and subsequent vitrification in terms of radial distribution function …

The development of structure model in metallic glasses

X Yue, A Inoue, CT Liu, C Fan - Materials Research, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Metallic glasses (amorphous alloys) have grown from a singular observation to an
expansive class of alloys with a broad range of scientific interests. Their unique properties …

On cryothermal cycling as a method for inducing structural changes in metallic glasses

SV Ketov, AS Trifonov, YP Ivanov, AY Churyumov… - NPG Asia …, 2018 - nature.com
The influence of cryothermal treatment on the mechanical properties of metallic glasses with
different compositions was investigated in the present work. It was found that cryothermal …

Elastic softening of β-type Ti–Nb alloys by indium (In) additions

M Calin, A Helth, JJG Moreno, M Bönisch… - Journal of the …, 2014 - Elsevier
Recent developments showed that β-type Ti–Nb alloys are good candidates for hard tissue
replacement and repair. However, their elastic moduli are still to be further reduced to match …

Tuning the glass forming ability and mechanical properties of Ti-based bulk metallic glasses by Ga additions

S Bera, P Ramasamy, D Şopu, B Sarac… - Journal of alloys and …, 2019 - Elsevier
A new series of Ti 40 Zr 10 Cu 36− x Pd 14 Ga x (x= 2, 4, 8 and 10) alloys with improved
plasticity and glass-forming ability (GFA) are produced. The strategy is to create local …

[HTML][HTML] Crystal nucleation and growth processes in Cu-rich glass-forming Cu–Zr alloys

AKA Lu, DV Louzguine-Luzgin - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
The glass formation ability of an alloy depends on two competing processes: glass-
transition, on one hand, and crystal nucleation and growth, on the other hand. While these …

Simulation of magnesium hydroxide surface and interface

D Zhang, P Zhang, S Song, Q Yuan, P Yang… - Journal of alloys and …, 2014 - Elsevier
The detailed electronic structures of magnesium hydroxide surfaces were determined using
density functional theory. The morphology of the nanostructures in experimental magnesium …

Molecular simulation-derived features for machine learning predictions of metal glass forming ability

BT Afflerbach, L Schultz, JH Perepezko… - Computational Materials …, 2021 - Elsevier
We have developed models of metallic alloy glass forming ability based on newly
computationally accessible features obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. Since …

Chemical bonding in metallic glasses from machine learning and crystal orbital Hamilton population

AR Ferreira - Physical Review Materials, 2020 - APS
The chemistry (composition and bonding information) of metallic glasses (MGs) is at least as
important as structural topology for understanding their properties and …

Microalloying effect in ternary Al-Sm-X (X= Ag, Au, Cu) metallic glasses studied by ab initio molecular dynamics

J **, G Bokas, LE Schultz, M Gao, L Zhao… - Computational Materials …, 2020 - Elsevier
The icosahedral-like polyhedral fraction (ICO-like fraction) has been studied as a criterion for
predicting the glass-forming ability of bulk ternary metallic glasses, Al 90 Sm 8 X 2 (X= Al …