Vertical industries requirements analysis & targeted KPIs for advanced 5G trials
Just before the commercial roll-out of European 5G networks, 5G trials in realistic
environments have been recently initiated all around Europe, as part of the Phase 3 projects …
environments have been recently initiated all around Europe, as part of the Phase 3 projects …
Dynamic network slicing management of multimedia scenarios for future remote healthcare
ICT solutions must meet the requirements demanded by challenging and complex scenarios
such as remote care, which can be viewed as a combination of heterogeneous services …
such as remote care, which can be viewed as a combination of heterogeneous services …
Prototy** and demonstrating 5G verticals: the smart manufacturing case
5G together with software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualisation
(NFV) will enable a wide variety of vertical use cases. One of them is the smart …
(NFV) will enable a wide variety of vertical use cases. One of them is the smart …
Compute and network virtualization at the edge for 5G smart cities neutral host infrastructures
Smart cities are one of the most important 5G verticals due to their impact on people's life.
The neutral host model is key for this vertical, specially to promote the infrastructure sharing …
The neutral host model is key for this vertical, specially to promote the infrastructure sharing …
A multi-domain experimentation environment for 5G media verticals
5G networks are considered as a main enabler for new services for Media & Entertainment
(M&E) verticals, allowing ultra-low delays, high numbers of mobile clients, resource …
(M&E) verticals, allowing ultra-low delays, high numbers of mobile clients, resource …
Analytical modeling for mobility signalling in ultradense hetnets
Multiband and multitier network densification is being considered the most promising
solution to overcome the capacity-crunch problem of cellular networks. In this direction …
solution to overcome the capacity-crunch problem of cellular networks. In this direction …
Tenant-side management of service function chaining: architecture, implementation and experiment on a future internet testbed
The adoption of Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networking
technologies allow network infrastructure operator flexibly orchestrating resources to provide …
technologies allow network infrastructure operator flexibly orchestrating resources to provide …
Problem Analysis and Security Isolation Solution of 5G Industry Terminals Supporting Slicing
J Zhu, S Zhu, Z Wang - 2022 China Automation Congress (CAC …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A variety of emerging application scenarios have emerged in 5G, and at the same time, it is
faced with more dimensional requirements. Slicing technology can enable 5G to meet the …
faced with more dimensional requirements. Slicing technology can enable 5G to meet the …
Proposed 5G waveforms performance evaluation with multiantenna MIMO system
AB Abdullahi, LC Uggalla… - 2021 Telecoms …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Exponential growth in mobile & wireless service subscriptions in recent years and its
corresponding data traffic poses a serious threat to wireless communication systems. This …
corresponding data traffic poses a serious threat to wireless communication systems. This …
Ελαφριά Εικονικοποίηση και Παρυφές Δικτύου
Π Βαλσαμάς - dspace.lib.uom.gr
Η εξέλιξη των Δικτύων πέμπτης γενιάς (5G Νetworks) επέφερε ένα σύνολο νέων τεχνολογικών
λύσεων, οι οποίες έρχονται α) να καλύψουν αυξημένες απαιτήσεις/ανάγκες των χρηστών …
λύσεων, οι οποίες έρχονται α) να καλύψουν αυξημένες απαιτήσεις/ανάγκες των χρηστών …