[HTML][HTML] Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data
We evaluate a number of different finite-element approaches for fluid–structure (contact)
interaction problems against data from physical experiments. This consists of trajectories of …
interaction problems against data from physical experiments. This consists of trajectories of …
A mechanically consistent model for fluid–structure interactions with contact including seepage
We present a new approach for the mechanically consistent modelling and simulation of
fluid–structure interactions (FSI) with contact. The fundamental idea consists of combining a …
fluid–structure interactions (FSI) with contact. The fundamental idea consists of combining a …
Simple, accurate, and efficient embedded finite element methods for fluid–solid interaction
This work presents a new approach to implementing a recently proposed optimal order Cut
Finite Element Method (CutFEM) for problems with moving embedded solid structures in …
Finite Element Method (CutFEM) for problems with moving embedded solid structures in …
[HTML][HTML] LocModFE: Locally modified finite elements for approximating interface problems in deal. II
We describe the Software package LocModFE, which is an implementation of a locally
modified finite element method for an accurate solution of interface problems. The code was …
modified finite element method for an accurate solution of interface problems. The code was …
High-Order Phase-Resolving Method for Wave Transformation Over Natural Shorelines
The use of nature-based facilities has become a popular solution to coastal hazard
mitigation and shoreline stabilization. Emergent vegetation, such as mangrove forests, has …
mitigation and shoreline stabilization. Emergent vegetation, such as mangrove forests, has …
[PDF][PDF] Software Impacts
J Frei, F Kramer - kops.uni-konstanz.de
We describe the Software package LocModFE, which is an implementation of a locally
modified finite element method for an accurate solution of interface problems. The code was …
modified finite element method for an accurate solution of interface problems. The code was …