[PDF][PDF] The effect of 7 weeks corrective exercise on thoracic kyphosis in hyper-kyphotic students
N Shavandi, SH Shahrjerdi, R Heidarpor… - Journal of Shahrekord …, 2011 - core.ac.uk
بررسی تعيين ميزان پراكسيد هیدروژن موجود در روغن های مصرفی واحدهای سان Page 1 See
discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262184577 …
discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262184577 …
Investigating the relationship between the VHI scores and the acoustic parameters in patients suffering from voice disorder
F Mojiri, F Rezaei, F Zibaei… - Journal of research in …, 2013 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: Voice disorders, in general, have various psychological, physiological,
anatomical andfunctional causes and may result inthe disruption ofdifferent aspects of the …
anatomical andfunctional causes and may result inthe disruption ofdifferent aspects of the …
The effectiveness of Dohsa-hou psychological rehabilitation program on severity of fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress and improve the quality of life in subjects with …
B Rigikouteh, F Yazdkhasti… - Journal of Research in …, 2013 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: Subjects with Multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer from negative mood disorder due to
physical-mental symptoms and failure to accept realities and chronic fatigue have negative …
physical-mental symptoms and failure to accept realities and chronic fatigue have negative …
The efficacy of sensory integration approach in treating constructional apraxia of children with autism over four years old: A pilot study
SA Derakhshan Rad, N Zenhari… - Journal of Research in …, 2014 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
AbstractIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the inter tester and intra
tester reliability of 5 static and 3 dynamic palpation tests, and three pain provocation tests …
tester reliability of 5 static and 3 dynamic palpation tests, and three pain provocation tests …
Relationship between spinal abnormalities and musculoskeletal pains in university students in Hamadan (Iran)
SS Mirbagheri, SS Mortazavi… - Journal of research in …, 2013 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: The spine serves as the main support of the body. During activities, postural
stability depends on the simultaneous function of the muscles, passive elements, and also …
stability depends on the simultaneous function of the muscles, passive elements, and also …
Muscular response of females with kyphosis in balance recovery from postural perturbation
Purpose: This study aimed to determine muscular response in balance recovery after
postural perturbation among females with increased thoracic kyphosis. Methods: This is a …
postural perturbation among females with increased thoracic kyphosis. Methods: This is a …
The Effect of Neck Movement Pattern Modifications on Pain and Function in Employed Women with Nonspecific Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Z Khosrokiani, A Letafatkar… - Journal of Research in …, 2019 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: Uncontrolled movement has a significant impact on the development of
movement disorders and pain. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of …
movement disorders and pain. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of …
The relationship between activity level of some lower extremity muscle and anterior shear force during single-leg jump landing
M Fatahi, F Fatahi - Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2013 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: Identifying factors which cause the high incidence of ACL is of great
importance. The anterior shear forces are the primary mechanism of load sustained on the …
importance. The anterior shear forces are the primary mechanism of load sustained on the …
Effect of eight weeks of massage therapy on quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis
Background:. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common chronic diseases. these
study aimed to examine the effects of eight weeks of massage therapy on quality of life, in …
study aimed to examine the effects of eight weeks of massage therapy on quality of life, in …
Effectiveness of life skills training on the cognitive, behavioral, emotional and motivational skills of students with mathematical disorder
SS Jalilabkenar, M Ashoori… - Journal of Research in …, 2013 - jrrs.mui.ac.ir
Introduction: Many research studies have been made on the effectiveness of life skills
training program on cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and motivational skills in normal …
training program on cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and motivational skills in normal …