Land characteristics impact productivity and quality of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc) in Java, Indonesia
Environmental condition plays an important on ginger production and its quality especially
gingerol. Ginger exploration from various environmental conditions was carried out to obtain …
gingerol. Ginger exploration from various environmental conditions was carried out to obtain …
[PDF][PDF] Potensi pengembangan tanaman obat di wilayah aglomerasi Solo Raya
NH Listyana, D Darsono, J Sutrisno - Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat …, 2022 - scholar.archive.org
Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi dan peluang besar untuk
penemuan kandidat obat baru yang bersumber dari tanaman obat. Setiap jenis tanaman …
penemuan kandidat obat baru yang bersumber dari tanaman obat. Setiap jenis tanaman …
[HTML][HTML] Infrared spectroscopy for detecting adulterants in food and traditional Indonesian herbal medicine
Adulteration in food has a detrimental effect on the product's quality, which may result in
nutritional deficiency. It can also be harmful, particularly for medicinal herbal products, as …
nutritional deficiency. It can also be harmful, particularly for medicinal herbal products, as …
Upaya Konservasi Tumbuhan Obat dan Pengembangannya untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Pemanfaatan tumbuhan yang berkasiat obat dari alam yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan
terjadinya penurunan populasi tumbuhan obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk …
terjadinya penurunan populasi tumbuhan obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk …
Determination of Land Suitability for Herbal Plants Using FMADM With Weighted Product
Herbal plants have been used for generations by the community as alternative medicine
because herbal plants have properties to treat various diseases. The development of …
because herbal plants have properties to treat various diseases. The development of …
Sowing the Gospel in the southern" Vorstenlanden"; Wonogiri in the Protestant evangelists' travelogues in the early twentieth century
The goal of this study is to analyse the travelogues of Protestant evangelists in Wonogiri, a
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …
The ethnobotany of medical plants for used by commmunity in pare-pare district, South Sulawesi (Indonesia)
E Tambaru, A Mutmainnah, A Masniawati… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Indonesia was chosen as the object of research by several ethnobotanical researchers
because it is a country rich in natural resources of flora and fauna. The combination of …
because it is a country rich in natural resources of flora and fauna. The combination of …
[PDF][PDF] Sowing the Gospel in the southern Vorstenlanden
APS Wardhana, D Pradita - 2024 - academia.edu
The goal of this study is to analyse the travelogues of Protestant evangelists in Wonogiri, a
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …
[PDF][PDF] Utilization of Local Grass Cynodon dactylon for Football Field Rehabilitation and Minimizing the Incidence of Injuries
R Rahayu, M Mujiyo, G Herdiansyah… - AgriHealth: Journal of …, 2023 - academia.edu
The problems faced are uneven football field surface, uneven grass growth, many pebbles
and boulders, stagnant and muddy during the rainy season and fractures in the soil during …
and boulders, stagnant and muddy during the rainy season and fractures in the soil during …