Land characteristics impact productivity and quality of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc) in Java, Indonesia

N Azizah, SL Purnamaningsih… - AGRIVITA Journal of …, 2019 -
Environmental condition plays an important on ginger production and its quality especially
gingerol. Ginger exploration from various environmental conditions was carried out to obtain …

[PDF][PDF] Potensi pengembangan tanaman obat di wilayah aglomerasi Solo Raya

NH Listyana, D Darsono, J Sutrisno - Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat …, 2022 -
Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi dan peluang besar untuk
penemuan kandidat obat baru yang bersumber dari tanaman obat. Setiap jenis tanaman …

[HTML][HTML] Infrared spectroscopy for detecting adulterants in food and traditional Indonesian herbal medicine

AMT Nasution, H Suyanto - Infrared Spectroscopy-Perspectives …, 2022 -
Adulteration in food has a detrimental effect on the product's quality, which may result in
nutritional deficiency. It can also be harmful, particularly for medicinal herbal products, as …

Upaya Konservasi Tumbuhan Obat dan Pengembangannya untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat

AY Ismail, I Adhya, Y Hendrayana, A Nurlaela… - Abdimas …, 2023 -
Pemanfaatan tumbuhan yang berkasiat obat dari alam yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan
terjadinya penurunan populasi tumbuhan obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk …

Determination of Land Suitability for Herbal Plants Using FMADM With Weighted Product

N Puspitasari, H Haviluddin, H Hamdani… - … on Information and …, 2022 -
Herbal plants have been used for generations by the community as alternative medicine
because herbal plants have properties to treat various diseases. The development of …

Sowing the Gospel in the southern" Vorstenlanden"; Wonogiri in the Protestant evangelists' travelogues in the early twentieth century

APS Wardhana, D Pradita - Wacana, Journal of the Humanities …, 2024 -
The goal of this study is to analyse the travelogues of Protestant evangelists in Wonogiri, a
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …

The ethnobotany of medical plants for used by commmunity in pare-pare district, South Sulawesi (Indonesia)

E Tambaru, A Mutmainnah, A Masniawati… - AIP Conference …, 2024 -
Indonesia was chosen as the object of research by several ethnobotanical researchers
because it is a country rich in natural resources of flora and fauna. The combination of …

[PDF][PDF] Sowing the Gospel in the southern Vorstenlanden

APS Wardhana, D Pradita - 2024 -
The goal of this study is to analyse the travelogues of Protestant evangelists in Wonogiri, a
topic so far barely touched upon. Despite being a predominantly Muslim community …

[PDF][PDF] Utilization of Local Grass Cynodon dactylon for Football Field Rehabilitation and Minimizing the Incidence of Injuries

R Rahayu, M Mujiyo, G Herdiansyah… - AgriHealth: Journal of …, 2023 -
The problems faced are uneven football field surface, uneven grass growth, many pebbles
and boulders, stagnant and muddy during the rainy season and fractures in the soil during …