[HTML][HTML] The contribution of ornamental plants to urban ecosystem services
Urban areas can be differently anthropized; often, high-density populations lead to higher
amounts of pollution. Nowadays, ornamental plants can represent important living …
amounts of pollution. Nowadays, ornamental plants can represent important living …
Urban socioeconomic inequality and biodiversity often converge, but not always: A global meta-analysis
It is through urban biodiversity that the majority of humans experience nature on a daily
basis. As cities expand globally, it is increasingly important to understand how biodiversity is …
basis. As cities expand globally, it is increasingly important to understand how biodiversity is …
Innovative urban forestry governance in Melbourne?: Investigating “green placemaking” as a nature-based solution
NM Gulsrud, K Hertzog, I Shears - Environmental Research, 2018 - Elsevier
A nature-based approach to climate resilience aims to challenge and re-frame conventional
environmental management methods by refocusing solutions from technological strategies …
environmental management methods by refocusing solutions from technological strategies …
Variation in vegetation structure and composition across urban green space types
HIGHLIGHTS Vegetation structure and composition were measured in four major green
space types Remnants and golf courses supported highest native plant richness Residential …
space types Remnants and golf courses supported highest native plant richness Residential …
[HTML][HTML] Ranking the suitability of common urban tree species for controlling PM2. 5 pollution
Pollution caused by particles with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 μm (PM 2.5) is now
a major environmental problem in many Asian cities. Planting more trees has been …
a major environmental problem in many Asian cities. Planting more trees has been …
Urban biodiversity and landscape ecology: patterns, processes and planning
Effective planning for biodiversity in cities and towns is increasingly important as urban
areas and their human populations grow, both to achieve conservation goals and because …
areas and their human populations grow, both to achieve conservation goals and because …
Assessing the drivers sha** global patterns of urban vegetation landscape structure
Vegetation is one of the main resources involve in ecosystem functioning and providing
ecosystem services in urban areas. Little is known on the landscape structure patterns of …
ecosystem services in urban areas. Little is known on the landscape structure patterns of …
Green space context and vegetation complexity shape people's preferences for urban public parks and residential gardens
Landscape preferences shape decision-making and drive the ecological outcomes of urban
landscapes. We investigate how people's landscape preferences are shaped by the green …
landscapes. We investigate how people's landscape preferences are shaped by the green …
Drivers of diversity and tree cover in gardens, parks and streetscapes in an Australian city
While we know that urban vegetation is often distributed unequally, most studies have been
undertaken in cities with relatively high levels of income inequality, using a single measure …
undertaken in cities with relatively high levels of income inequality, using a single measure …
Global patterns of diversity in the urban forest: Is there evidence to support the 10/20/30 rule?
Diversity in the urban forest is important as it reduces risks from pests and diseases and from
climate change and improves resilience in the supply of ecosystem services. To manage …
climate change and improves resilience in the supply of ecosystem services. To manage …