On the support of Grothendieck polynomials

K Mészáros, L Setiabrata, AS Dizier - Annals of Combinatorics, 2024 - Springer
Grothendieck polynomials G w of permutations w∈ S n were introduced by Lascoux and
Schützenberger (CR Acad Sci Paris Sér I Math 295 (11): 629–633, 1982) as a set of …

Quotients of M-convex sets and M-convex functions

MC Brandenburg, G Loho, B Smith - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.07751, 2024 - arxiv.org
We unify the study of quotients of matroids, polymatroids, valuated matroids and strong
maps of submodular functions in the framework of Murota's discrete convex analysis. As a …

Linear and rational factorization of tropical polynomials

B Lin, NM Tran - arxiv preprint arxiv:1707.03332, 2017 - arxiv.org
Already for bivariate tropical polynomials, factorization is an NP-Complete problem. In this
paper, we give an efficient algorithm for factorization and rational factorization of a rich class …

Supermodular Extension of Vizing's Edge-Coloring Theorem

R Mizutani - arxiv preprint arxiv:2211.07150, 2022 - arxiv.org
K\H {o} nig's edge-coloring theorem for bipartite graphs and Vizing's edge-coloring theorem
for general graphs are celebrated results in graph theory and combinatorial optimization …

[PDF][PDF] List Supermodular Coloring.

S Iwata, Y Yokoi - Comb., 2018 - keisu.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
In 1995, Galvin provided an elegant proof for the list edge coloring conjecture for bipartite
graphs, utilizing the stable matching theorem of Gale and Shapley. In this paper, we …

[PDF][PDF] Integrality, complexity and colourings in polyhedral combinatorics

J Pap - Ph. D. Thesis, 2012 - papjuli.github.io
Polyhedra are beautiful objects with broad applications beyond geometry. They are the main
tool of combinatorial optimization as evidenced by the subtitle of Schrijver's combinatorial …

[PDF][PDF] Indivisibilities

T Nguyen, R Vohra - 2022 - economics.sas.upenn.edu
An obstacle to using market mechanisms to allocate indivisible goods is the nonexistence of
competitive equilibria (CE). To surmount this Arrow and Hahn proposed the notion of social …

Base polyhedra and the linking property

T Király - Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2018 - Springer
An integer polyhedron P ⊆ R^ n P⊆ R n has the linking property if for any f ∈ Z^ nf∈ Z n
and g ∈ Z^ ng∈ Z n with f ≤ gf≤ g, P has an integer point between f and g if and only if it …

[PDF][PDF] Integrality, complexity and colourings in polyhedral combinatorics

P Júlia - 2012 - papjuli.github.io
Vektorok egy véges halmaza Hilbert-bázis, ha az általuk generált kúp minden egész eleme
eloáll nemnegatív egész együtthatós kombinációjukként is. 1990-ben Papadimitriou és …