Особенности ведения коморбидных пациентов в период пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19). Национальный Консенсус 2020

ВБ Гриневич, ИВ Губонина, ВЛ Дощицин… - Кардиоваскулярная …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Пандемия новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID19), распространяемая вирусом
SARS-CoV-2, стала вызовом системам здравоохранения всех стран мира …

Ischemic stroke and infection: A brief update on mechanisms and potential therapies

DP Ghelani, HA Kim, SR Zhang, GR Drummond… - Biochemical …, 2021 - Elsevier
Ischemic stroke triggers a multifaceted inflammatory response in the brain that contributes to
secondary brain injury and infarct expansion. In parallel with brain inflammation, ischemic …

[PDF][PDF] Management of patients with comorbidity during novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. National Consensus Statement 2020 [Особенности ведения …

V Grinevich, I Gubonina, V Doshchitsin, Y Kotovskaya… - 2021 - covid19.neicon.ru
Пандемия новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID19), распространяемая вирусом
SARS-CoV-2, стала вызовом системам здравоохранения всех стран мира …

Bibliometric analysis of global research trends on post-stroke pneumonia: Current development status and research Frontiers

X Li, J Yu, C Shu - Frontiers in Public Health, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Background As one of the most common complications of stroke, post-stroke pneumonia
significantly increases the incidence of adverse outcomes, mortality, and healthcare costs for …

Ведение пациентов с заболеваниями органов пищеварения в период пандемии COVID-19. Клинические рекомендации Научного общества …

ВБ Гриневич, ЮА Кравчук, ВИ Педь… - Экспериментальная …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
В представленных клинических рекомендациях Научного общества гастроэнтерологов
России (НОГР) рассмотрены основные профилактические и лечебно-диагностические …

Association between oral health and incidence of pneumonia: a population-based cohort study from Korea

M Son, S Jo, JS Lee, DH Lee - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
Pneumonia is related to oral health of the elderly and intensive care unit patients. However,
studies on the relationship between overall oral health and pneumonia in the general …

[HTML][HTML] Electroacupuncture ameliorates gastrointestinal dysfunction by modulating DMV cholinergic efferent signals to drive the vagus nerve in p-MCAO rats

Z **, Z Shen, S Yan, G Chen, Y Yin, Y Zhang, X Wu - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Background The use of proton pump inhibitors in the acute phase of cerebral infarction may
lead to adverse long-term outcomes, this study aims to explore the potential of …

Post-stroke infections: Insights from big data using Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW)

M Jung, HY Park, GY Park, JI Lee, Y Kim, YH Kim… - Antibiotics, 2023 - mdpi.com
This study analyzed a digitized database of electronic medical records (EMRs) to identify
risk factors for post-stroke infections. The sample included 41,236 patients hospitalized with …

Investigating the link between antipsychotic use and post-stroke infections in older people: multi-centre propensity score analysis

HY Park, M Jung, GY Park, JI Lee, Y Kim… - Age and …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Background The risk of stroke increases with age, and although previous reports have
suggested that infection risk may increase with antipsychotic use, relevant studies after …

[HTML][HTML] Management of patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of …

VB Grinevich, YA Kravchuk, VI Ped, EI Sas… - Experimental and …, 2020 - nogr.org
The presented clinical practice guidelines of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of
Russia (GSSR), diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for patients with digestive diseases …