Synopsis on cyberethics behaviour: a literature review
NA Aderibigbe - Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021 -
This paper provides an overview of the empirical literature on cyberethics issues within an
academic environment, specifically young adults' behaviours in using cyber technology …
academic environment, specifically young adults' behaviours in using cyber technology …
Ethical Values for Future Leaders in Higher Learning Institutions in South Africa: A Cogent Sco** Review on Academic Jealousy
PMP Moses, T Tshepo… - International Journal of …, 2025 -
Esta revisión examina la importancia crítica de los valores éticos para los futuros líderes en
las instituciones de educación superior sudafricanas, centrándose en los celos académicos …
las instituciones de educación superior sudafricanas, centrándose en los celos académicos …
Exploring the use of tablet pcs in veterinary medical education: Opportunity or obstacle?
H Wang, BR Rush, M Wilkerson… - Journal of Veterinary …, 2014 -
ABSTRACT A tablet PC is a laptop computer with a touch screen and a digital pen or stylus
that can be used for handwritten notes and drawings. The use of tablet PCs has been …
that can be used for handwritten notes and drawings. The use of tablet PCs has been …
[HTML][HTML] Ethical Values for Future Leaders in Higher Learning Institutions in South Africa: A Cogent Sco** Review on Academic Jealousy
This review examines the critical importance of ethical values for future leaders in South
African higher learning institutions, focusing on academic jealousy. Higher Education (HE) …
African higher learning institutions, focusing on academic jealousy. Higher Education (HE) …
Cyberethical behaviour of high school students in selected schools in uMhlathuze Municipality
N Buthelezi, DN Ocholla… - … : South African Journal …, 2024 -
Cybertechnology has become a basic aspect of schools and universities with students'
habitual use of these tools to communicate, learn, and play. However, schools and …
habitual use of these tools to communicate, learn, and play. However, schools and …
Technology-Based Instructional Methods
ME Collins - Effective Teaching, 2024 -
In the 21st century, educators have endless access to technology. Their pedagogical
approach impacts how they use technology in their courses, inside and outside the …
approach impacts how they use technology in their courses, inside and outside the …
[PDF][PDF] Teaching in the Momentum Year Project Executive Summary
SG Frank, A Holland, D Lybecker -
The Momentum Year (MY) is a student's first year of college. This year presents a pivotal
opportunity to focus on student success and hel** students successfully navigate college …
opportunity to focus on student success and hel** students successfully navigate college …
JX Wu, CL Donstrup, K Aagaard - 2018 -
Unges problematiske brug af digitale medier Page 1 1 UNGES PROBLEMATISKE BRUG
AF DIGITALE MEDIER - Et forandringsforslag til gymnasiereformens del vedrørende …
AF DIGITALE MEDIER - Et forandringsforslag til gymnasiereformens del vedrørende …
[PDF][PDF] Quand! tout! ne! se! passe! pas! comme! prévu:!
Cette recherche aborde la question des effets inattendus des technologies éducatives
comme révélateurs des points de tension entre le social et le technique, en s' appuyant sur …
comme révélateurs des points de tension entre le social et le technique, en s' appuyant sur …
[PDF][PDF] Designing the Ideal Assessment System to Support Mastery Learning of Computer Programming in an Online Environment
Assessment security, authorization, and plagiarism detection are particularly difficult
problems in an online learning environment, where proctored assessments are difficult to …
problems in an online learning environment, where proctored assessments are difficult to …