A review on non-Hermitian skin effect

X Zhang, T Zhang, MH Lu, YF Chen - Advances in Physics: X, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The past decades have witnessed the flourishing of non-Hermitian physics in non-
conservative systems, leading to unprecedented phenomena of unidirectional invisibility …

Non-Hermitian photonic band winding and skin effects: a tutorial

H Wang, J Zhong, S Fan - Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2024 - opg.optica.org
Non-Hermitian band structures have gained considerable attention due to the novel
phenomena not present in their Hermitian counterparts and their connection to various …

Entanglement phase transition induced by the non-Hermitian skin effect

K Kawabata, T Numasawa, S Ryu - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
Recent years have seen remarkable development in open quantum systems effectively
described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. A unique feature of non-Hermitian topological …

Symmetry breaking and spectral structure of the interacting Hatano-Nelson model

SB Zhang, MM Denner, T Bzdušek, MA Sentef… - Physical review B, 2022 - APS
We study the Hatano-Nelson model, ie, a one-dimensional non-Hermitian chain of spinless
fermions with nearest-neighbor nonreciprocal hop**, in the presence of repulsive nearest …

Observation of continuum Landau modes in non-Hermitian electric circuits

X Zhang, C Wu, M Yan, N Liu, Z Wang… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Continuum Landau modes—predicted recently in a non-Hermitian Dirac Hamiltonian under
a uniform magnetic field—are continuous bound states with no counterparts in Hermitian …

Many-body topology of non-Hermitian systems

K Kawabata, K Shiozaki, S Ryu - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Non-Hermiticity gives rise to unique topological phases that have no counterparts in
Hermitian systems. Such intrinsic non-Hermitian topological phases appear even in one …

Two-dimensional reconfigurable non-Hermitian gauged laser array

Z Gao, X Qiao, M Pan, S Wu, J Yim, K Chen, B Midya… - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Topological effects in photonic non-Hermitian systems have recently led to extraordinary
discoveries including nonreciprocal lasing, topological insulator lasers, and topological …

Entanglement and correlation spreading in non-Hermitian spin chains

X Turkeshi, M Schiró - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Non-Hermitian quantum many-body systems are attracting widespread interest for their
exotic properties, including unconventional quantum criticality and topology. Here, we study …

Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem in open quantum systems

K Kawabata, R Sohal, S Ryu - Physical review letters, 2024 - APS
The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorem provides a general constraint on quantum many-
body systems and plays a significant role in the Haldane gap phenomena and topological …

Realization of active metamaterials with odd micropolar elasticity

Y Chen, X Li, C Scheibner, V Vitelli, G Huang - Nature communications, 2021 - nature.com
Materials made from active, living, or robotic components can display emergent properties
arising from local sensing and computation. Here, we realize a freestanding active …