An ontology-centric approach to sensor-mission assignment
Sensor-mission assignment involves the allocation of sensor and other information-
providing resources to missions in order to cover the information needs of the individual …
providing resources to missions in order to cover the information needs of the individual …
Using knapsack problem model to design a resource aware test architecture for adaptable and distributed systems
This work focuses on testing the consistency of distributed and adaptable systems. In this
context, Runtime Testing which is carried out on the final execution environment is emerging …
context, Runtime Testing which is carried out on the final execution environment is emerging …
A knapsack approach to sensor-mission assignment with uncertain demands
A sensor network in the field is usually required to support multiple sensing tasks or
missions to be accomplished simultaneously. Since missions might compete for the …
missions to be accomplished simultaneously. Since missions might compete for the …
Operations-Focused Optimized Theater Weather Sensing Strategies
This article describes a method that optimally deploys weather sensors of all types in a
battlefield environment. Gridded climatology models are used to determine an estimate for …
battlefield environment. Gridded climatology models are used to determine an estimate for …
Operations-focused optimized theater weather sensing strategies using preemptive binary integer programming
AJ Geyer - 2009 - scholar.afit.edu
This thesis describes a method that optimally deploys weather sensors of all types in a
battlefield environment. Gridded climatology models are used to determine an estimate for …
battlefield environment. Gridded climatology models are used to determine an estimate for …
Addressing the reactiveness problem in sensor networks using rich task representation
K Borowiecki - 2011 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
Sensor networks are increasingly important in many domains, for example, environmental
monitoring, emergency response, and military operations. There is a great interest in making …
monitoring, emergency response, and military operations. There is a great interest in making …
[PDF][PDF] Maximizing utility of sensor-mission assignment with uncertain demands
A sensor network is usually required to support multiple missions to be accomplished
simultaneously. Since missions might compete for the exclusive usage of the same sensing …
simultaneously. Since missions might compete for the exclusive usage of the same sensing …