[HTML][HTML] The convergence of Digital Twins and Distributed Ledger Technologies: A systematic literature review and an architectural proposal
In recent years, the emerging Digital Twin (DT) technology is playing a key role in fostering
the transition towards the Industry 4.0. DTs, representing virtual replicas of physical objects …
the transition towards the Industry 4.0. DTs, representing virtual replicas of physical objects …
Supply chains in the era of digital twins–a review
Abstract Digital Supply Chains are objects of intensive interest from research and practice,
as Digital Supply Chains and especially Supply Chain Management promise a wide variety …
as Digital Supply Chains and especially Supply Chain Management promise a wide variety …
The cloud, platforms, and digital twins—Enablers of the digital supply chain
G Zhang, BL MacCarthy, D Ivanov - The digital supply chain, 2022 - Elsevier
The continued advancement of computing and digital technologies is transforming markets,
economics, businesses, and society. We discuss the characteristics and applications of …
economics, businesses, and society. We discuss the characteristics and applications of …
A digital twin modeling approach for smart manufacturing combined with the UNISON framework
J Wang, L Zhang, KY Lin, L Feng, K Zhang - Computers & industrial …, 2022 - Elsevier
With the in-depth development of industry 4.0, digitalization and intellectualization have
become a broad consensus, especially the digital twin. As a cutting-edge technology, the …
become a broad consensus, especially the digital twin. As a cutting-edge technology, the …
Establishing reliable research data management by integrating measurement devices utilizing intelligent digital twins
J Lehmann, S Schorz, A Rache, T Häußermann… - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
One of the main topics within research activities is the management of research data. Large
amounts of data acquired by heterogeneous scientific devices, sensor systems, measuring …
amounts of data acquired by heterogeneous scientific devices, sensor systems, measuring …
Digital twins for the designs of systems: a perspective
The design and operation of systems are conventionally viewed as a sequential decision-
making process that is informed by data from physical experiments and simulations …
making process that is informed by data from physical experiments and simulations …
Steering representations—towards a critical understanding of digital twins
Digital Twins are conceptualised in the academic technical discourse as real-time realistic
digital representations of physical entities. Originating from product engineering, the Digital …
digital representations of physical entities. Originating from product engineering, the Digital …
[HTML][HTML] Digital twin approach for operation and maintenance of transportation system—Systematic review
There is a growing need to implement modern technologies, such as digital twinning, to
improve the efficiency of transport fleet maintenance processes and maintain company …
improve the efficiency of transport fleet maintenance processes and maintain company …
The anatomy of the internet of digital twins: A symbiosis of agent and digital twin paradigms enhancing resilience (not only) in manufacturing environments
Due to the growing environmental and geopolitical challenges nowadays, which are
causing supply chain complications, industry and society are facing significant new …
causing supply chain complications, industry and society are facing significant new …
Digital twin enhanced quality prediction method of powder compaction process
During the powder compaction process, process parameters are required for product quality
prediction. However, the inadequacy of compaction data leads to difficulties in constructing …
prediction. However, the inadequacy of compaction data leads to difficulties in constructing …