Drought effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in global natural ecosystems
Extreme droughts have serious impacts on the pools, fluxes and processes of terrestrial
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. A deep understanding is necessary to explore the …
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. A deep understanding is necessary to explore the …
Boreal forest soil carbon: distribution, function and modelling
Increasing accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere has led to calls for terrestrial
mechanisms for CO2 abatement and given that soils represent the largest terrestrial body of …
mechanisms for CO2 abatement and given that soils represent the largest terrestrial body of …
Drying and rewetting effects on C and N mineralization and microbial activity in surface and subsurface California grassland soils
Rewetting a dry soil has long been known to cause a burst of respiration (the “Birch Effect”).
Hypothesized mechanisms for this involve:(1) release of cellular materials as a result of the …
Hypothesized mechanisms for this involve:(1) release of cellular materials as a result of the …
Responses of soil bacterial community structure and function to dry–wet cycles more stable in paddy than in dryland agricultural ecosystems
Aim Climate change is the foremost cause of terrestrial biodiversity decline, but the microbial
communities from different habitats do not respond equally to environmental change …
communities from different habitats do not respond equally to environmental change …
Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory eddy-covariance measurements: A synthesis based on FLUXNET data
Forests are complex ecosystems characterized by several distinctive vertical layers with
different functional properties. Measurements of CO2 fluxes by the eddy-covariance method …
different functional properties. Measurements of CO2 fluxes by the eddy-covariance method …
Soil respiration in a northeastern US temperate forest: a 22‐year synthesis
To better understand how forest management, phenology, vegetation type, and actual and
simulated climatic change affect seasonal and inter‐annual variations in soil respiration …
simulated climatic change affect seasonal and inter‐annual variations in soil respiration …
Components of ecosystem respiration and an estimate of net primary productivity of an intermediate-aged Douglas-fir stand
Continuous half-hourly chamber-measured belowground (Rs) and eddy covariance (EC)-
measured total ecosystem (Re) respiration in a 56-year-old Pacific west coast Douglas-fir …
measured total ecosystem (Re) respiration in a 56-year-old Pacific west coast Douglas-fir …
Increase in heterotrophic soil respiration by temperature drives decline in soil organic carbon stocks after forest windthrow in a mountainous ecosystem
Intensifying forest disturbance regimes are likely to impact heavily on future carbon (C)
budgets of forest ecosystems. Our understanding of how forest disturbance affects the …
budgets of forest ecosystems. Our understanding of how forest disturbance affects the …
Measurement of stem respiration of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) trees involves internal and external fluxes of CO2 and possible transport of CO2 from roots
ABSTRACT CO2 released by respiring cells in tree stems can either diffuse to the
atmosphere or dissolve in xylem sap. In this study, the internal and external fluxes of CO2 …
atmosphere or dissolve in xylem sap. In this study, the internal and external fluxes of CO2 …
Effect of forest structure on the spatial variation in soil respiration in a Bornean tropical rainforest
This study was undertaken to identify critical and practical factors explaining spatial
variations in soil respiration and to estimate stand-scale soil respiration in an aseasonal …
variations in soil respiration and to estimate stand-scale soil respiration in an aseasonal …