Soybean supply chain management and sustainability: A systematic literature review
As a globally consumed agricultural product, soybeans have long been one of the most
important commodities in the current international market. In this regard, the governance of …
important commodities in the current international market. In this regard, the governance of …
Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio‐economic outcomes in low‐and middle‐income countries: a systematic review
Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio‐economic outcomes in
low‐ and middle‐income countries: a systematic review - Oya - 2017 - Campbell Systematic …
low‐ and middle‐income countries: a systematic review - Oya - 2017 - Campbell Systematic …
Dynamic capabilities in the “new normal”: a study of organizational flexibility, integration and agility in the Peruvian coffee supply chain
Purpose Considering the unprecedented supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19
pandemic, especially in the agri-food sector, the possession of dynamic capabilities (DCs) …
pandemic, especially in the agri-food sector, the possession of dynamic capabilities (DCs) …
Smallholders do not eat certificates
P Glasbergen - Ecological Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
Voluntary standards and certification schemes aim to play an important role in the creation of
a more sustainable production of agricultural commodities in the South. In this paper, we …
a more sustainable production of agricultural commodities in the South. In this paper, we …
Value chain upgrading and the inclusion of smallholders in markets: reflections on contributions of multi-stakeholder processes in dairy development in Tanzania
Increasingly, value chain approaches are integrated with multi-stakeholder processes to
facilitate inclusive innovation and value chain upgrading of smallholders. This pathway to …
facilitate inclusive innovation and value chain upgrading of smallholders. This pathway to …
The challenges of a sustainable cocoa value chain: A study of traditional and “fine or flavour” cocoa produced by the kichwas in the ecuadorian Amazon region
OV Salazar, S Latorre, MZ Godoy… - Journal of Rural …, 2023 - Elsevier
Cocoa (beans) is one of the highest-value crops globally, yet some producer countries still
follow ancient ancestral-style production practices, particularly in Latin America. Most of the …
follow ancient ancestral-style production practices, particularly in Latin America. Most of the …
Sustainability certification and palm oil smallholders' livelihood: A comparison between scheme smallholders and independent smallholders in Indonesia
Most sustainability certifications in Indonesia are developed by Northern-based businesses
and NGOs to regulate the production of agricultural commodities in the South. However …
and NGOs to regulate the production of agricultural commodities in the South. However …
[หนังสือ][B] Global food security governance: Civil society engagement in the reformed Committee on World Food Security
J Duncan - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
In 2007/8 world food prices spiked and global economic crisis set in, leaving hundreds of
millions of people unable to access adequate food. The international reaction was swift. In a …
millions of people unable to access adequate food. The international reaction was swift. In a …
Business–NGO partnerships in global value chains: part of the solution or part of the problem of sustainable change?
Highlights•Business–NGO partnerships are proliferating in global value chains.•They are
based on the idea of market-driven sustainable change.•Studies on partnerships often show …
based on the idea of market-driven sustainable change.•Studies on partnerships often show …
Assessing the institutionalization of private sustainability governance in a changing coffee sector
J Grabs - Regulation & governance, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The potential of transnational private governance initiatives to constitute effective
alternatives to state‐led regulation of global value chains rests on their ability to scale up …
alternatives to state‐led regulation of global value chains rests on their ability to scale up …