Super-resolution of complex exponentials from modulations with unknown waveforms
Super-resolution is generally referred to as the task of recovering fine details from coarse
information. Motivated by applications, such as single-molecule imaging, radar imaging, etc …
information. Motivated by applications, such as single-molecule imaging, radar imaging, etc …
From Blind deconvolution to Blind Super-Resolution through convex programming
A Cosse - arxiv preprint arxiv:1709.09279, 2017 -
This paper discusses the recovery of an unknown signal $ x\in\mathbb {R}^ L $ through the
result of its convolution with an unknown filter $ h\in\mathbb {R}^ L $. This problem, also …
result of its convolution with an unknown filter $ h\in\mathbb {R}^ L $. This problem, also …
[KNJIGA][B] Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery via Optimization Methods
D Yang - 2018 -
From single-molecule microscopy in biology, to collaborative filtering in recommendation
systems, to quantum state tomography in physics, many scientific discoveries involve solving …
systems, to quantum state tomography in physics, many scientific discoveries involve solving …