Effective sociodemographic population assessment of elusive species in ecology and conservation management

JS Head, C Boesch, MM Robbins… - Ecology and …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Wildlife managers are urgently searching for improved sociodemographic population
assessment methods to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented conservation activities …

Faeces as food: a framework for adaptive nutritional coprophagy in vertebrates

EJ Power, SL Bornbusch, EL Kendrick - Animal Behaviour, 2024 - Elsevier
Nutritional coprophagy has been under-recognized in many vertebrates despite its potential
impact on social behaviours, health outcomes and ecological relationships. We reviewed …

Interspecific coprophagia by wild red foxes: DNA metabarcoding reveals a potentially widespread form of commensalism among animals

CN Waggershauser, P Taberlet, E Coissac… - Ecology and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Vertebrate animals are known to consume other species' faeces, yet the role of such
coprophagy in species dynamics remains unknown, not least due to the methodological …

Ocelot latrines: communication centers for Neotropical mammals

TW King, R Salom-Pérez, LA Shipley… - Journal of …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
Olfactory communication among mammals remains poorly studied yet may be key to
understanding their ecology. This is particularly true for mammalian carnivores, which rely …

[HTML][HTML] Iberian wild goat coprophagy on dove guano. A case report and insights from food analysis

JL Mora, E Blasco, A García-Serrano, J Herrero - Food Webs, 2024 - Elsevier
Heterospecific coprophagy. ie, the consumption of excreta of other species, is reported and
documented for the first time for Iberian wild goat Capra pyrenaica Schinz, 1838 and is …

[HTML][HTML] Hydroelectric dams: the first responses from giant otters to a changing environment

AM Calaça, OJ Faedo… - IUCN Otter Specialist …, 2015 - ww.otterspecialistgroup.org
The construction of hydroelectric dams has been cited as one of the threats faced by giant
otter populations in their distribution areas. However, studies evaluating the impact of …

The importance of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) in cocoa farms as carriers of helminths potentially transmissible to humans and wildlife in the Southern Bahia …

SKSM Silva, CR Cassano, SD Sousa… - Pesquisa Veterinária …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) can be considered an invasive species as they have
been introduced by humans in different parts of the world and represent a risk to wildlife …

[PDF][PDF] Predation of Gecarcinus quadratus (Decapoda Gecarcinidae) por Aramides cajaneus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) en Costa Rica

SV Retanal, JP Masís - Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, 2021 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Gecarcinus quadratus es un cangrejo terrestre depredado por algunas especies, sin
embargo, hay poca información en el nivel de género y especie de sus predadores. Esta …

[HTML][HTML] Riqueza e composição de vertebrados em latrinas ativas e inativas de Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora, Mustelidae) na Amazônia Oriental, Brasil

CM Togura, D Norris, F Michalski - Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
O estudo objetivou avaliar a riqueza e composição de vertebrados de médio e grande porte
em latrinas ativas e inativas de ariranhas [Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin, 1788)], em uma …

To eat or not to eat: ingestion and avoidance of fecal content from communal latrines of Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818)

I Laurentino, R Sousa, G Corso… - Latin American Journal …, 2019 - lajamjournal.org
Communal latrines have important biological and ecological roles for the latrine builder
species and for other taxa that visit these sites and use feces to obtain nutrients and …