Elite philanthropy in the United States and United Kingdom in the new age of inequalities
Elite philanthropy—voluntary giving at scale by wealthy individuals, couples and families—is
intimately bound up with the exercise of power by elites. This theoretically oriented review …
intimately bound up with the exercise of power by elites. This theoretically oriented review …
The social bases of philanthropy
E Barman - Annual Review of Sociology, 2017 - annualreviews.org
Philanthropy—private giving for public purposes by individuals, corporations, and
foundations—is a widespread activity. Scholarship on philanthropy is long-standing and can …
foundations—is a widespread activity. Scholarship on philanthropy is long-standing and can …
Migration networks and the intensity of global migration flows, 1990–2015
Evidence from 184 countries over a 25-year span is used to analyze international migration
flows based on their 'intensity'or size. Results show that network dynamics are relevant to …
flows based on their 'intensity'or size. Results show that network dynamics are relevant to …
Social movement organizations
ET Walker, AW Martin - The Wiley Blackwell companion to …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Summary Social Movement Organizations (SMOs) continue to be a vital area of research
interest among scholars of contentious politics. The tradition of Resource Mobilization …
interest among scholars of contentious politics. The tradition of Resource Mobilization …
Participatory Grant-Making as a Social Innovation: Examining Relational Processes in Social Finance
This study examines how philanthropic foundations develop innovative approaches to grant-
making by collaborating with social entrepreneurs who are embedded in marginalized …
making by collaborating with social entrepreneurs who are embedded in marginalized …
Global connectedness of local NGOs: do different types of funding create barriers for cooperation?
A Rodionov, D Medeuov, K Rodionova - Theory and Society, 2021 - Springer
How does international financial aid affect the cooperative behavior of local non-
governmental organizations (NGOs)? Can NGOs, while turning global, preserve peer …
governmental organizations (NGOs)? Can NGOs, while turning global, preserve peer …
[HTML][HTML] On the structural equivalence of coresidents and the measurement of village social structure
CR Simpson - Social Networks, 2022 - Elsevier
Researchers in the social and biomedical sciences regularly measure networks spanning
entire villages in low-and middle-income countries by documenting the social contacts of …
entire villages in low-and middle-income countries by documenting the social contacts of …
The role of the EFQM model in precepting quality in Polish enterprises
Organizational excellence models are designed to strengthen the potential of companies,
create the value added, and finally achieve planned results. Depending on the turbulent …
create the value added, and finally achieve planned results. Depending on the turbulent …
Networks of Resistance: Investigating the Dynamics of Protest Collaboration
JB Conley - 2023 - search.proquest.com
What factors influence social movement organizational (SMO) collaboration patterns?
Focusing on 293 SMOs in New York City and 819 protest events between January 1960 and …
Focusing on 293 SMOs in New York City and 819 protest events between January 1960 and …
[PDF][PDF] Migration Networks and the Intensity of Global
DF Leal, NL Harder - 2022 - researchgate.net
Migration Networks and the Intensity of Global Migration Flows, 1990-2015* Evidence from
184 countries over a 25-year span is us Page 1 1 Migration Networks and the Intensity of …
184 countries over a 25-year span is us Page 1 1 Migration Networks and the Intensity of …