Categorial type logics
M Moortgat - Handbook of logic and language, 1997 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter describes the framework of categorial type logic—that is,
grammar architecture that can be seen as the logical development of the categorial …
grammar architecture that can be seen as the logical development of the categorial …
[CARTE][B] Substructural logics: a primer
F Paoli - 2013 -
Substructural logics are by now one of the most prominent branches of the research field
usually labelled as" nonclassical logics"-and perhaps of logic tout court. Over the last few …
usually labelled as" nonclassical logics"-and perhaps of logic tout court. Over the last few …
[CARTE][B] The logic of categorial grammars: a deductive account of natural language syntax and semantics
This book is intended for students in computer science, formal linguistics, mathematical logic
and to colleagues interested in categorial grammars and their logical foundations. These …
and to colleagues interested in categorial grammars and their logical foundations. These …
[CARTE][B] Categorial grammar: Logical syntax, semantics, and processing
G Morrill - 2011 -
This book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to categorial grammar, a type of formal
grammar which analyses expressions as functions or according to a function-argument …
grammar which analyses expressions as functions or according to a function-argument …
[CARTE][B] From Word to Sentence: a computational algebraic approach to grammar
J Lambek - 2008 -
In 1957, Noam Chomsky published his pioneering booklet “Syntactic Structures”, which
offered a promising computational approach to grammar, based on what computer …
offered a promising computational approach to grammar, based on what computer …
[HTML][HTML] Lambek vs. Lambek: Functorial vector space semantics and string diagrams for Lambek calculus
Abstract The Distributional Compositional Categorical (DisCoCat) model is a mathematical
framework that provides compositional semantics for meanings of natural language …
framework that provides compositional semantics for meanings of natural language …
Weld sequence optimization: The use of surrogate models for solving sequential combinatorial problems
I Voutchkov, AJ Keane, A Bhaskar, TM Olsen - Computer methods in …, 2005 - Elsevier
The solution of combinatorial optimization problems usually involves the consideration of
many possible design configurations. This often makes such approaches computationally …
many possible design configurations. This often makes such approaches computationally …
[PDF][PDF] Reasoning with polarity in categorial type logic
RA Bernardi - 2002 -
Coming to The Netherlands has been a great event in my life. The five year immersion in
Dutch culture represents a turning point in my personal and academic development. During …
Dutch culture represents a turning point in my personal and academic development. During …
Subexponentials in non-commutative linear logic
Linear logical frameworks with subexponentials have been used for the specification of,
among other systems, proof systems, concurrent programming languages and linear …
among other systems, proof systems, concurrent programming languages and linear …
Neural proof nets
Linear logic and the linear {\lambda}-calculus have a long standing tradition in the study of
natural language form and meaning. Among the proof calculi of linear logic, proof nets are of …
natural language form and meaning. Among the proof calculi of linear logic, proof nets are of …