Structure and kinematics of early-type galaxies from integral field spectroscopy

M Cappellari - Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics, 2016 -
Observations of galaxy isophotes, long-slit kinematics, and high-resolution photometry
suggested a possible dichotomy between two distinct classes of elliptical galaxies. But these …

Fitting the integrated spectral energy distributions of galaxies

J Walcher, B Groves, T Budavári, D Dale - Astrophysics and Space …, 2011 - Springer
Fitting the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies is an almost universally used
technique that has matured significantly in the last decade. Model predictions and fitting …

Age-dating luminous red galaxies observed with the Southern African Large Telescope

AL Ratsimbazafy, SI Loubser… - Monthly Notices of …, 2017 -
We measure a value for the cosmic expansion of H (z)= 89±23 (stat)±44 (syst) km s− 1 Mpc−
1 at a redshift of z≃ 0.47 based on the differential age technique. This technique, also known …

Modelling and interpreting spectral energy distributions of galaxies with beagle

J Chevallard, S Charlot - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2016 -
We present a new-generation tool to model and interpret spectral energy distributions
(SEDs) of galaxies, which incorporates in a consistent way the production of radiation and its …

How well can we measure the stellar mass of a galaxy: the impact of the assumed star formation history model in SED fitting

S Lower, D Narayanan, J Leja… - The Astrophysical …, 2020 -
The primary method for inferring the stellar mass (M*) of a galaxy is through spectral energy
distribution (SED) modeling. However, the technique rests on assumptions such as the …

The CALIFA survey across the Hubble sequence-Spatially resolved stellar population properties in galaxies

RMG Delgado, R García-Benito, E Pérez… - Astronomy & …, 2015 -
Various different physical processes contribute to the star formation and stellar mass
assembly histories of galaxies. One important approach to understanding the significance of …

Evolutionary stellar population synthesis with MILES–I. The base models and a new line index system

A Vazdekis, P Sánchez-Blázquez… - Monthly Notices of …, 2010 -
We present synthetic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for single-age, single-metallicity
stellar populations (SSPs) covering the full optical spectral range at moderately high …

firefly (Fitting IteRativEly For Likelihood analYsis): a full spectral fitting code

DM Wilkinson, C Maraston, D Goddard… - Monthly Notices of …, 2017 -
We present a new spectral fitting code, firefly, for deriving the stellar population properties of
stellar systems. firefly is a chi-squared minimization fitting code that fits combinations of …

ULySS: a full spectrum fitting package

M Koleva, P Prugniel, A Bouchard, Y Wu - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2009 -
Aims. We provide an easy-to-use full-spectrum fitting package and explore its applications to
(i) the determination of the stellar atmospheric parameters and (ii) the study of the history of …

UV-extended E-MILES stellar population models: young components in massive early-type galaxies

A Vazdekis, M Koleva, E Ricciardelli… - Monthly Notices of …, 2016 -
We present UV-extended E-MILES stellar population synthesis models covering the spectral
range λλ 1680–50 000 Å at moderately high resolution. We employ the NGSL space-based …