A fast and flexible attribute-based searchable encryption scheme supporting multi-search mechanism in cloud computing
How to use efficient search mechanisms to realize data sharing while ensuring data security
has become an important research topic at present. In this paper, we propose a new …
has become an important research topic at present. In this paper, we propose a new …
CALRA: practical conditional anonymous and leakage-resilient authentication scheme for vehicular crowdsensing communication
Vehicular crowdsensing (VCS) has aroused extensive attention because of its ability to
provide comprehensive data services for intelligent transportation systems. Wherein, secure …
provide comprehensive data services for intelligent transportation systems. Wherein, secure …
Blockchain-backed searchable proxy signcryption for cloud personal health records
Patient-centered data management and sharing of personal health records (PHRs) are
difficult to be realized as data is controlled by doctors/hospitals. In addition, security and …
difficult to be realized as data is controlled by doctors/hospitals. In addition, security and …
Achieving Secure, Verifiable, and Efficient Boolean Keyword Searchable Encryption for Cloud Data Warehouse
Cloud data warehouse (CDW) platforms have been offered by many cloud service providers
to provide abundant storage and unlimited accessibility service to business users. Sensitive …
to provide abundant storage and unlimited accessibility service to business users. Sensitive …
Privacy-preserving traceable attribute-based keyword search in multi-authority medical cloud
Q Huang, G Yan, Y Yang - IEEE Transactions on Cloud …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In cloud-based electronic medical record (EMR) systems, attribute-based encryption (ABE)
has been utilized to protect the confidentiality of EMRs and provide keyword search over the …
has been utilized to protect the confidentiality of EMRs and provide keyword search over the …
Blockchain-based privacy-preserving public key searchable encryption with strong traceability
Abstract Public Key Searchable Encryption (PKSE) has essential applications in cloud
storage because it allows users to search over encrypted data. To identify illegal users …
storage because it allows users to search over encrypted data. To identify illegal users …
Multi-keywords searchable attribute-based encryption with verification and attribute revocation over cloud data
H Shen, J Zhou, G Wu, M Zhang - IEEE Access, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The convenience and efficient management of cloud servers have resulted in an increasing
number of users opting to store their data in the cloud. Consequently, data-outsourcing …
number of users opting to store their data in the cloud. Consequently, data-outsourcing …
Server-Assisted Data Sharing System Supporting Conjunctive Keyword Search for Vehicular Social Networks
Vehicular social networks (VSNs), as the convergence of social networks and vehicular ad
hoc networks, have brought many useful services to vehicle communication by collecting …
hoc networks, have brought many useful services to vehicle communication by collecting …
Secure and flexible authorized data sharing for smart grid
Y Feng, S Zeng - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2024 - Springer
With the rapid development of IoT, smart grids have benefited people's daily lives. Data in
smart grid requires security and privacy. Fine-grained access control provides the possibility …
smart grid requires security and privacy. Fine-grained access control provides the possibility …
[HTML][HTML] TL-ABKS: Traceable and lightweight attribute-based keyword search in edge–cloud assisted IoT environment
Edge–cloud coordination offers the chance to mitigate the enormous storage and
processing load brought on by a massive increase in traffic at the network's edge. Though …
processing load brought on by a massive increase in traffic at the network's edge. Though …