5. Religion as a site of language contact

B Spolsky - Annual review of applied linguistics, 2003 - cambridge.org
Until recently, the interaction between language and religion as topics relevant to
bilingualism or multilingualism has been relatively little explored, although there is an …

First language attrition, use and maintenance

MS Schmid - 2002 - torrossa.com
The idea for this study was conceived when I Wrst, more or less by accident, came across
narrative autobiographical interviews with German Jews in California. It was during a term …

Language attrition

MS Schmid, K De Bot - The handbook of applied linguistics, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Language attrition (for the purpose of this article, the discussion will be confined to the
attrition of an L1) is often considered to be a reversal of language acquisition. On the most …

[PDF][PDF] Chinese identities in multilingual Malaysia

R Vollmann, TW Soon - Grazer Linguistische Studien, 2018 - researchgate.net
Background. Malaysia is a multilingual country with a rich linguistic diversity both on the
level of four standard languages and even more spoken vernaculars including two creoles …

Language shift amongst the Sindhis of Malaysia

MK David - South Pacific Journal of Psychology, 1999 - cambridge.org
This research focuses on three generations of Sindhi settlers in Malaysia with a view to
determining their dominant language. A range of methodologies and constructs were used …

Co-ethnic network, social class, and heritage language maintenance among Chinese immigrant families

D Zhang - Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This ethnographic study investigated heritage language maintenance among two distinct
groups of Chinese immigrant families (Mandarin and Fujianese) from the social network …

[CARTE][B] Language use and maintenance among the Moroccan minority in Britain

A Jamai - 2008 - search.proquest.com
The goal of this study is to investigate language use among a relatively young immigrant
community in Britain with a view to finding out what role English plays in their lives, whether …

Speaking Acehnese in Malaysia

YQ Yusuf, S Pillai, NTAM Ali - Language & Communication, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper examines the use of Acehnese among Acehnese descendants living in
Kampung Aceh (KA), in the district of Yan, Kedah, northwest of Peninsular Malaysia. The …

Reasons for language shift in Peninsular Malaysia

MK David - Journal of Modern Languages, 2005 - jml.um.edu.my
Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual country with a population (1999) of about 22 million
people and at least a hundred languages. There are three main ethnic groups in Malaysia ie …

[PDF][PDF] Perceptions about one's heritage language: The case of the Acehnese in Kampung Aceh and Malacca Portuguese-Eurasians in the Portuguese Settlement in …

S Pillai, WY Soh, YQ Yusuf - Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of …, 2015 - academia.edu
This paper looks at perceptions of heritage language in two minority communities in
Malaysia: the Aceh community at Kampung Aceh in Kedah; and the Portuguese-Eurasian …