[HTML][HTML] Microstructure, porosity and mechanical properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg
C **g, HOU Wei, W **uzhuan, CHU Songlin… - Chinese Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Finite element modeling (FEM), microscopy, X-ray computed tomography (CT) and
mechanical property tests were used to study the microstructure, porosity and mechanical …
mechanical property tests were used to study the microstructure, porosity and mechanical …
Plastic homogeneity in nanoscale heterostructured binary and multicomponent metallic eutectics: an overview
Heterostructured materials comprised of relatively soft/hard disparate phases typically
exhibit composite strengthening but lack plastic deformability at ambient temperatures …
exhibit composite strengthening but lack plastic deformability at ambient temperatures …
Prediction of ultimate tensile strength of Al‐Si alloys based on multimodal fusion learning
Exploring the “composition‐microstructure‐property” relationship is a long‐standing theme
in materials science. However, complex interactions make this area of research challenging …
in materials science. However, complex interactions make this area of research challenging …
Study on the effect of cooling rate on the solidification parameters, microstructure, and mechanical properties of LM13 alloy using cooling curve thermal analysis …
In this study, the effect of cooling rate on the microstructure, solidification parameters, and
mechanical property of LM13 alloy has been investigated. To obtain different cooling rates …
mechanical property of LM13 alloy has been investigated. To obtain different cooling rates …
In situ observation of solidification patterns in diffusive conditions
S Akamatsu, H Nguyen-Thi - Acta Materialia, 2016 - Elsevier
We present a review of recent in situ experimentation studies of solidification front patterns
and microstructures in alloys. Front-tracking diagnostics and real-time observation methods …
and microstructures in alloys. Front-tracking diagnostics and real-time observation methods …
Relationship between spacing of eutectic colonies and tensile properties of transient directionally solidified Al-Ni eutectic alloy
Abstract Eutectic Al-Ni alloys are widely faced as materials to be considered for advanced
structural components. Nevertheless, still there is a lack of research on microstructural …
structural components. Nevertheless, still there is a lack of research on microstructural …
Evaluation of the effect of Bi, Sb, Sr and cooling condition on eutectic phases in an Al–Si–Cu alloy (ADC12) by in situ thermal analysis
Al–Si and Al–Cu eutectic phases strongly affect the properties of Al–Si–Cu cast alloys. The
characteristic parameters of these two eutectic phases with addition of bismuth, antimony …
characteristic parameters of these two eutectic phases with addition of bismuth, antimony …
The effect of the flake to fiber transition in silicon morphology on the tensile properties of Al–Si eutectic alloys
The combined and separate effects of microstructural scale and silicon phase morphology
on the mechanical properties of Al–Si eutectic alloys are investigated here. The Bridgman …
on the mechanical properties of Al–Si eutectic alloys are investigated here. The Bridgman …
Effect of cooling rate on eutectic Si in Al-7.0 Si-0.3 Mg alloys modified by La additions
L Li, D Li, F Mao, J Feng, Y Zhang, Y Kang - Journal of Alloys and …, 2020 - Elsevier
The microstructures of eutectic Si in Al-7.0 Si-0.3 Mg alloys (in wt.%) without and with 0.4
wt% La at different cooling rates (0.2–130 K/s) were investigated by multi-scale microscopy …
wt% La at different cooling rates (0.2–130 K/s) were investigated by multi-scale microscopy …
Microstructural evolution and precipitation behavior of Al–7Si–3Cu alloy prepared under 5 GPa
N Fang, C Zou, Z Wei, H Wang, J Chen, Z ** - Journal of Materials Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents a systematic investigation of the microstructural evolution and
mechanical properties of Al–7Si–3Cu alloys prepared under high pressure of 5 GPa. It is …
mechanical properties of Al–7Si–3Cu alloys prepared under high pressure of 5 GPa. It is …