Contributions of human cultures to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation

C Levis, BM Flores, JV Campos-Silva… - Nature Ecology & …, 2024 -
The expansion of globalized industrial societies is causing global warming, ecosystem
degradation, and species and language extinctions worldwide. Mainstream conservation …

Land use and ecological change: A 12,000-year history

EC Ellis - Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2021 -
Human use of land has been transforming Earth's ecology for millennia. From hunting and
foraging to burning the land to farming to industrial agriculture, increasingly intensive human …

Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness

MS Fletcher, R Hamilton, W Dressler… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
The environmental crises currently grip** the Earth have been codified in a new proposed
geological epoch: the Anthropocene. This epoch, according to the Anthropocene Working …

Two teosintes made modern maize

N Yang, Y Wang, X Liu, M **, M Vallebueno-Estrada… - Science, 2023 -
The origins of maize were the topic of vigorous debate for nearly a century, but neither the
current genetic model nor earlier archaeological models account for the totality of available …

Central and south america

EJ Castellanos, MF Lemos, L Astigarraga, N Chacón… - 2022 -
Central and South America (CSA) is a highly diverse region, both culturally and biologically.
It has one of the highest levels of biodiversity on the planet (Hoorn et al., 2010; Zador et al …

[KÖNYV][B] First farmers: the origins of agricultural societies

P Bellwood - 2023 -
A wide-ranging and accessible introduction to the origins and histories of the first agricultural
populations in many different parts of the world This fully revised and updated second …

What we talk about when we talk about seasonality–A transdisciplinary review

O Kwiecien, T Braun, CF Brunello, P Faulkner… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …

A revisited history of cacao domestication in pre-Columbian times revealed by archaeogenomic approaches

C Lanaud, H Vignes, J Utge, G Valette, B Rhoné… - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Humans have a long history of transporting and trading plants, contributing to the evolution
of domesticated plants. Theobroma cacao originated in the Neotropics from South America …

Disentangling domestication from food production systems in the Neotropics

CR Clement, A Casas, FA Parra-Rondinel, C Levis… - Quaternary, 2021 -
The Neolithic Revolution narrative associates early-mid Holocene domestications with the
development of agriculture that fueled the rise of late Holocene civilizations. This narrative …

South-to-north migration preceded the advent of intensive farming in the Maya region

DJ Kennett, M Lipson, KM Prufer, D Mora-Marín… - Nature …, 2022 -
The genetic prehistory of human populations in Central America is largely unexplored
leaving an important gap in our knowledge of the global expansion of humans. We report …